The Relation of Drugs and Crime

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Business Finance


Countless studies have been conducted that illustrate the unquestionable link between substance abuse and criminality. Select either juvenile crime, adult crime, or violent crime and relate its possible connection to the progression of substance abuse.

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Violent crime.

The use of alcohol and drugs by young people brings many risks:  personal, health, academic, safety, relationships and the risk of alcohol and drug addiction.  One of the most significant risks is the connection between alcohol, drugs and crime.  For a young person, with your whole life in front of you, avoiding the legal risks associated with alcohol and drugs is extremely important.

There are three types of alcohol or drug related criminal offenses:

  1. Alcohol and Drug-Defined:  Violations of laws prohibiting or regulating the possession, use, distribution, or manufacture of alcohol or illegal drugs.Examples:  Alcohol or drug possession or use.  Cultivation, production, distribution or sales of illegal drugs.  Providing alcohol to persons under the age of 21.
  1. Alcohol and Drug-Related:  Violations of laws as a result of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or trying to get cash to pay for alcohol or drugs.Examples:  Criminal behavior resulting from the effects of alcohol or drugs:  DWI, fights, theft, vandalism, violence against friends and family.  Stealing to get money to buy alcohol or drugs.  Violence against rival drug dealers.
  1. Alcohol and Drug-Using Lifestyle:  Violations of laws as a result of living a lifestyle where a person may not have a job or source of income and is exposed to situations and individuals that encourage crime.Examples:  As a result of relationships developed through the use of alcohol or drugs, the individual has more opportunities to violate the law and learn criminal skills from other offenders.

Please let me know if you need any clarification. I'm always happy to answer your questions.

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