person narrative

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EWRT 211


can write childhood experience , school life experience anything but must about person narrative.

Detail for me: boy,collage student now, from china, like play video game and play basketball outgoing person, My high school is international high school. I live with my parents at childhood.

request:500words or more double spaced

Essay structure:1introduction thesis statement 2.body paragraphs 3topic sentence 4.conclusion

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My childhood experience

It’s natural that we all have this team of friends that push us into forbidden things. The
kinds of friends who will make you do funny things because they sound funny to them, but they
are dangerous. The fact that we all have a set of experience to tell one day is an amazing thing.
Right now that I am in high school, I cannot believe the childhood experiences we had with
friends during childhood days. My love for basketball, video games and talking with friends is
obsessive. In this short p...

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