read the powerpoint and answer the following question

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utilize the PowerPoint on the Website (Environmental Evolutions, Revolutions and Worldviews) and do some independent research. Write a one page minimum summary explaining the differences in the way Native Americans and the European Settlers who moved west viewed and used resources in the early 1800's. What resources did they each use? How did their view of resource use differ? Explain each viewpoint in detail. Why do you believe their viewpoints were vastly different? Explain the impact on resources and the environment the European Settler's viewpoint had. In what ways did life at the time change as a result?

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Cultural Shifts in Human HistoryHuman Evolutions and Revolutions North America in the 1800’s • When the early European settlers arrived in North America, what do you think they found? • Were there any people here when they arrived? How do you those people lived their lives? • Do you think there were differences how they each group viewed resources? • How would you describe the relationship between Native Americans & the land? • How about European Settlers relationship with land as they moved West? North America in the 1800’s Characteristics: • North America inhabited by humans about 14,000+ years ago • At least 10,000,000 Native Americans • Lived as part of the land utilizing game, fish, fruits, vegetables • Established irrigation systems, managed forests & grasslands and wildlife populations • Viewed earth as their “mother” Incompatible Visions of America Characteristics: • Settlers came in search of resources • Incompatible views of the land • Manifest Destiny “Handiwork of man met the handiwork of nature. . . “ • Conflict over land rights The American West was “Won and Lost” • 1850 - 80% of all U.S. land was owned by Federal Government • 1850 -Indian Reservation System created • 1850 - expansion westward by Settlers • 1900 - more than 50% of land given away or sold at low cost; rangelands severely degraded • 1900- 95% of original forest land used up Decline of Resource- American Buffalo Today- only 20,000 Continental U.S. Today • 3,000 miles (Pacific to Atlantic) • 1,200 miles (Gulf of Mexico to Canada) • Encompasses 2.3 billion acres (3,787,000 square miles) • Abundant natural resources • Extreme wealth and military might • 5% of world’s population, but use 25% of the resources Hunter Gatherers Characteristics: • Occupies up to 90% of human history timeline • All food obtained from wild plants and animals • Small in numbers 10-50mobile- they move where the resources are • Typically a division of labor along sexual lines Agricultural Characteristics • More settled- less nomadic • Introduction of domesticated animals and plant life • More villages • Waterways and irrigation • Beginning of a bartering society Industrial Characteristics • Machines instead of making things by hand • Defined by textiles, iron and steam for energy • Advent of fossil fuels • Production of chemicals and automated assembly • Large cities instead of villages • Increased use of resources to make things • More pollution Information/Globalization Characteristics • Advent of computers and data storage/communication • Improved travel and ability to communicate globally via internet • Compressed product and technology cycles • Consumerism • Even more pollution
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Evolutions, Revolutions and Worldviews
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Native Americans and the European Settlers
Western North America was inhabited by groups of Native Americans before the
European settlers came. Native Americans also known as the American Indians were the
indigenous people of the United States of America. The Native American were the first
Americans and they were explorers. When the European settlers moved to the west, it marked an
era of change to the Native Americans for there were distinct differences between the Native
Americans and the European Settlers (Shi & Tindall, 2016). The Natives’ way of life was
different from the Europeans’ way of life especially how they viewed and used resources and
their religions.
One of the major resources that the N...

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