Law and Society Unit 3

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Law and Society Unit 3
Category:American Law
Deadline:2015-07-26 14:15


For this Assignment, you will review the scenario below and then write an essay addressing the scenario.


You and your best friend are heading out on a 2 month vacation and plan to visit five destinations. As much as you love your friend, Joe, you know that he also has a quick temper and can occasionally fly off the handle. He has been in numerous fights and has been hauled down to the local jail. Before you leave on your great adventure, you want to make sure he understands that he cannot get into any bar brawls or other physical altercations. You are going to very different countries, and each may have a very different process from the one that you both know in the U.S.

Your itinerary includes:

(a) Sightseeing in Australia

(b) Visiting famous museums and shopping in Italy

(c) Visiting the ancient Persian ruins in Iran

(d) Exploring the streets of Old Havana, Cuba

(e) Attending the Northern Cheyenne 4th of July Pow Pow and Rodeo

For this Assignment, you will write a 5 page essay addressing the scenario. In your essay, for each of the five places on the itinerary, you must address the following:

1. Identify the family of law followed by this nation/state.

2. Describe the major characteristics of this family of law.

3. Explain the general criminal process that would occur in this country, dealing with the crime of assault/battery. Specifically, what type of legal proceedings could we expect? What type of punishment might be applied if Joe were convicted of the charge?

4. Evaluate each country’s legal system and the ethics associated with their conflict resolution processes. Are the processes ethical? Are they supported by the values of the community? Do these processes lead to fair outcomes? Why or why not? Explain your answer.

NOTE: For the Northern Cheyenne reservation, assume your friend is governed by the laws of the Cheyenne Nation. The Tribal Code of the Northern Cheyenne Reservation can be located online, through a search engine.

This paper will require outside research. Please include and at least four sources in addition to the textbook to support your paper.

In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the Assignment, a successful essay must also meet the following criteria:

o Length should be roughly 5 pages (approximately 1250 words), excluding cover page and references.

o Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained.

o Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.).

o Writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.

o Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics.

o Appropriate citation style should be followed.

Detailed explanation: YES
Specific requirements:
Essay - Write an essay (not short answers), providing the following:

For each country, identify the family law, explain the basic characteristics of this family of law, how disputes are settled in this country, what specifically would happen to your friend in this case, and evaluate the ethics behind the system. Is the legal system fair?

Use at least four credible outside sources to help support your answers, along with the textbook.

5 pages (1250 words)
Format meets APA guidelines and Bluebook rules as appropriate, including use of title pages. There is no playful experimentation with fancy fonts.
It is written for the appropriate audience. 

Citation Style

Writing shows both internal citations in the body of the text as well as a proper list of references at the end of the paper, following APA or Bluebook format.
Citations appear consistently where needed, whether following quoted or paraphrased material in the text.
Note: In papers requiring secondary sources, failure to provide any citation does not result in a deduction of 10% from the paper, but will result in a failed paper and a plagiarism investigation.

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Explanation & Answer

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