MAke a key assignment outline of the information provided below and write it in apa style

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As you reflect on previous conversations with Rae Marie regarding her new role as the Vice President of Operations for MyShoppingSpreeTV, you remember her calling you to question her earlier career success and doubting her current leadership capabilities needed in her new role. For several years she had been a successful manager for another company in which you worked at together years ago. You witnessed her previous successes and have confidence in her leadership.

A change in leadership is a significant organizational transition for all employees. After all, responsibility for group effectiveness is not only on the leader's shoulders, but it is shared by the group. However, creating the right team is a responsibility of the leader. In your discussion with Rae Marie, you shared that research suggests that some individuals are better suited to work and lead in a collaborative team environment. After this discussion, you are prompted to become aware of the characteristics of effective teams and the dimensions of team leadership.

Write a 1000 - 1500-word essay that covers the following:

  • Identify and analyze the characteristics of effective teams.
  • Discuss and analyze the need for leaders to monitor both the internal and external environments of a team.
  • Include in your essay a response to the following:
    • What are the dimensions of team leadership?
    • What is team leadership? What are and include examples of situations where it is frequently used?

Cite all references in a reference list. Be sure to reference all sources using APA format. For more information on APA, please visit the APASTYLE Lab.

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Explanation & Answer


Effective teams



Effective teams

Team leadership
Team leadership is the ability of a person to provide guidance, direction and instructions
to a group of individuals with the aim of achieving critical outlined results. A team leader
monitors the progress of the team and reports the performance of team members to the manager.
A creative team creates its own characteristics that makes it successful its operations and achieve
the goals and objectives of the team. Cohesion is very important for teams to work effectively
and the team normally has an already established structure that enables it to work so as to obtain
productive results. Effective teams are necessary in an organization to ensure that the firm
achieves its long term goals.
Effective teams have numerous features. One important characteristic of effective teams
is that they have a unified goal which all team members are committed to achieve. Effective
teams are always committed to complete the goals of the team using resources that have been
allocated to the team (Rodger, S. (2000). The individuals in the team may not have the same
points of view are always be in agreement but once the goals are presented to the, they work
together as a single unit to complete tasks assigned to them.
Effective teams are also characterized by open communication. Team members are able
to communicate effectively among themselves and they have that feeling of open communication
within the group. M...

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