BUS503 Module 4 Trident The Cycle of Change Model

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Business Finance

BUS 503

Trident University International


5-6 pages

Assignment, you will use the Cycle of Change Model to evaluate the organizational transformation process of a familiar company: Caterpillar, Inc.

Read the following case study about Caterpillar’s organizational transformation. As you read through the case, be sure that you carefully consider how the various steps in the Cycle of Change Model were employed by Caterpillar as it undertook its massive—yet immensely successful—organizational transformation. Essentially, Caterpillar “wrote the book” as to how major organizational change should be successfully accomplished.

Neilson, G. L., & Pasternack, B. A. (2005). The cat that came back. Strategy+Business. Retrieved from https://www.strategy-business.com/article/05304?gko=56862
After reading the Caterpillar change case study, respond to the following in a well-written 5- to 6-page paper:

  1. Apply the Cycle of Change Model to the Caterpillar case study, that is,
    1. Direct the change: Minimally, describe the process by which Caterpillar determined the nature and scope of the change needed. Did the organization explicitly state what the expected outcome(s) of the transformation would be? How well was the change articulated?
    2. Drive the change: How was the company’s new vision made known? What was the process for “driving” and energizing people involved with and responsible for the organizational transformation?
    3. Deliver the change: Describe the process by which Caterpillar delivered the change (project management, e.g.).
    4. Prepare for the change: Discuss Caterpillar’s change management process; how were the company’s people and culture prepared for such a massive transformation? .
    5. How was the change propagated throughout the organization?
    6. What benefits/ value did Caterpillar realize from the organizational transformation process? Were the outcomes consistent with the benefits that were contemplated at the outset of the planning process?
  2. With the understanding that Caterpillar’s transformation was tremendously successful, provide your impressions concerning the extent to which Caterpillar adhered to the Cycle of Change Model.
  3. Related to Item #2, what did Caterpillar do particularly well in terms of following the Cycle of Change Model sequence?
  4. Conclude your paper by providing recommendations as to what Caterpillar might have done differently to improve the organizational transformation.

The following sources may also be helpful to you in the completion of the Case assignment, as it provides very current background on Caterpillar.

Hymen, J. (2017, July 18). 3 reasons to be bullish on Caterpillar (CAT) ahead of earnings. Nasdaq. Retrieved from http://www.nasdaq.com/article/3-reasons-to-be-bullish-on-caterpillar-cat-ahead-of-earnings-cm817686

Caterpillar ranks #47 on Fortune’s “Most Admired Companies” list, and is ranked #59 on the 2017 Fortune 500 list:

Caterpillar. (2017). Fortune. Retrieved from http://fortune.com/worlds-most-admired-companies/caterpillar/

Attached is the grading rubric I need an 'A" a tip will be awardinlg accordingly

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1/17/2019 Criteria AssignmentDriven Criteria Cri cal Thinking Business Wri ng Rubric Assessment - BUS503 Organizational Change and Transformation (2019JAN07FT-1) - Trident University International Level 4 - Excellent Level 3 - Proficient Level 2 - Developing Level 1 - Emerging 23 points 20 points 18 points 14 points Demonstrates mastery covering all key elements of the assignment in a substan ve way. Demonstrates considerable proficiency covering all key elements of the assignment in a substan ve way. Demonstrates par al proficiency covering all key elements of the assignment in a substan ve way. Demonstrates limited or poor proficiency covering all key elements of the assignment in a substan ve way. 9 points 8 points 7 points 6 points Demonstrates mastery conceptualizing the problem. Mul ple informa on sources, expert opinion, and assump ons are analyzed, synthesized, and cri cally evaluated. Logically consistent conclusions are presented with appropriate ra onale. Demonstrates considerable proficiency conceptualizing the problem. Informa on sources and viewpoints of experts are proficiently analyzed and evaluated. Assump ons are clearly stated and supported, but may not be ques oned. Conclusions are logical, but may be somewhat disconnected from the analysis. Demonstrates par al proficiency conceptualizing the problem. Informa on sources and viewpoints of experts are stated, but not necessarily synthesized, or cri cally evaluated. Assump ons are stated but not supported. Conclusions may be logical, but are not connected to or supported by the preceding analysis. Demonstrates limited or poor proficiency conceptualizing the problem. Informa on sources and viewpoints of experts are either absent or poorly analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated. Assump ons are implied, but not clearly stated. Conclusions are either absent or poorly conceived and unsupported. 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point / 23 /9 /4 https://tlc.trident.edu/d2l/lms/competencies/rubric/rubrics_assessment_results.d2l?ou=123545&evalObjectId=514737&evalObjectType=1&userId=29893&viewTypeId=3&rubricId=146808&groupId=0&d2… 1/3 1/17/2019 Effec ve Use of Informa on Ci ng Sources Rubric Assessment - BUS503 Organizational Change and Transformation (2019JAN07FT-1) - Trident University International Demonstrates mastery in wri en communica on and a skilled, knowledgeable, and error-free presenta on to an appropriately specialized audience. Demonstrates considerable proficiency in wri en communica on with a well-organized presenta on to an appropriately specialized audience. Demonstrate par al proficiency in wri en communica on with few gramma cal or syntax errors, but may lack headings or be pitched at the wrong audience. Demonstrates limited or poor ability to write clearly, and uses poor grammar and syntax. Text may be disorganized and rambling. 6 points 5 points 4 points 3 points Demonstrates mastery in loca ng relevant and quality sources of informa on, using strong and compelling content to support ideas, convey understanding of the topic, and shape the whole work. Demonstrates considerable proficiency in retrieving informa on, and in using appropriate and relevant content to support ideas, and convey understanding of the topic. Few arguments le unsupported. Demonstrates par al proficiency to retrieve informa on, but may not be able to discriminate quality. Uses relevant content to par ally support ideas, but leaves many arguments unsupported. May use immaterial or disparate content in an a empt to support arguments. Demonstrates inability to retrieve informa on, or use appropriate or relevant content to support ideas, convey understanding of the topic and shape the whole work. Makes unsupported arguments and asser ons. /6 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points /3 Demonstrates mastery using in-text cita ons of sources, proper format for quota ons, and correctly format full source informa on in the reference list Demonstrates considerable proficiency using of in-text cita ons of sources, proper format for quota ons, and provides sufficient source informa on in the reference list, Demonstrates occasional use of in-text cita ons of sources and provides par al reference informa on, such as a URL or web link Demonstrates inability to cite sources or provide a reference list (bibliography). (bibliography). https://tlc.trident.edu/d2l/lms/competencies/rubric/rubrics_assessment_results.d2l?ou=123545&evalObjectId=514737&evalObjectType=1&userId=29893&viewTypeId=3&rubricId=146808&groupId=0&d2… 2/3 1/17/2019 Rubric Assessment - BUS503 Organizational Change and Transformation (2019JAN07FT-1) - Trident University International Timeliness using APA style (bibliography). though not in APA format (bibliography). 5 points 3 points 2 points 0 points Assignment submi ed on me or collaborated with professor for an approved extension on due date. Assignment submi ed 1-2 days a er module due date. Assignment submi ed 34 days a er module due date. Assignment submi ed 5 or more days a er module due date. Total /5 / 50 Overall Score Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 45 points minimum 40 points minimum 35 points minimum 0 points minimum Close https://tlc.trident.edu/d2l/lms/competencies/rubric/rubrics_assessment_results.d2l?ou=123545&evalObjectId=514737&evalObjectType=1&userId=29893&viewTypeId=3&rubricId=146808&groupId=0&d2… 3/3
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