Columbia Southern Unit VI Training Event Help Prevent Back Injuries Response

User Generated



Columbia Southern University


1.Imagine that you are leading a training event to help prevent back injuries, and you are teaching students the proper way to lift. Describe, in detail, your recommended steps for lifting a box from a tabletop and placing the box on the floor in a way that would not create any pain or ergonomics issue(s).

Your response should be 200 words.

2.Each of us reacts habitually when we see money on the ground; we bend over and pick it up. Describe how you would get employees to avoid improper bending to pick up items from the ground in situations such as this. Use the four Es: empowerment, encouragement, education, and enlightenment.

Your response should be 200 words.

3.Imagine that you are leading a training event to help prevent back injuries, and you are teaching students the proper way to lift. Describe, in detail, your recommended steps for lifting a box from a tabletop and placing the box on the floor in a way that would not create any pain or ergonomics issue(s).

Your response should be 200 words.

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: DISCUSSION


Institution Affiliation


Question 1

To help prevent back pains or ergonomics issue(s) that might result from improper lifting,
carrying and placing of the box, you need to follow the following step needs to be followed: The
first step involves bringing the object as close to the body as possible by keeping the chest
forward. This allows the hips and the legs to provide more support hence eliminating the
possibilities of back injuries (Oesch et al., 2015). While doing this, the feet, knees, and torso
should be ...

Just the thing I needed, saved me a lot of time.


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