ENG315 Effective Training Strategies & Practices

User Generated




We have talked about so many interesting topics, yet so many we didn't even touch on!

Let's take this week to go back and look at some ideas from previous chapters - and look ahead to the rest of the course.

Choose two of the following:

  1. What are interferences to communication, and how can they be avoided? How important are our nonverbal messages when we communicate?
  2. Gathering opinions and information and presenting it to a group is a valuable skill. Create a survey using www.surveymonkey.com and share with the class. How easy is it to survey your co-workers?
  3. What does it mean that your communication at work is governed by legal constraints?
  4. We have talked about the need for our professional writing to be proofread and accurate. What are you doing - or will do - to make sure that you are catching mistakes? How do you improve your grammar and punctuation skills exactly?
  5. Communication is a skill that develops over time. Where do you envision your professional communication skills at the end of this course? What goal will you set out to achieve by Week 11?

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