IT505 SNHU Countermeasure for Information Assurance

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Research one countermeasure or information security service that is available today for information assurance. Evaluate it based on the specifications and reviews. Identify who would use this particular countermeasure or service and why it would be appropriate for their needs. Illustrate this using an example of an online activity (e.g., banking, shopping) that could use this countermeasure. Create a visual representation in MS Visio of the activity to include in your short paper. Provide a short description of the visual representation, identifying the various information assets and the information states that pose vulnerability. How would the countermeasure that you identified apply? What vulnerability would it mitigate? What are its limitations?

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IT 505 Short Paper Rubric Short papers are assigned in this course to facilitate the understanding and application of core technologies in IT and their growing significance for individuals and organizations. The short papers provide an opportunity for students to apply their understanding, research abilities, and effective communication skills to explore key topics in the evolution of IT technologies and their applications. The four topics are:     Roles of Core Technologies in an Effective IT System Network Protocols The Wonderful World of Free Wi-Fi Information Assurance – Counting on Countermeasures Guidelines for Submission: Short paper assignments must follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and APA style citations. Page length requirements: Short papers are expected to be two to four pages in length, not including title pages, abstracts, or references. Critical Elements Application of Core Technology Concepts Analysis of IT Infrastructure Implications Exemplary (100%) Meets “Proficient” criteria substantiated with examples of the relevant technologies Proficient (90%) Demonstrates exploration of topic-related issues around core technologies before accepting or forming an opinion or conclusion, showing knowledge of the relevant technologies Meets “Proficient” criteria substantiated with scholarly sources Examines implications of IT technologies and infrastructure in response to the specific short paper prompt and incorporates awareness of related issues for organizations and business Needs Improvement (70%) Insufficiently demonstrates topic-related issues around core technologies before accepting or forming an opinion or conclusion; however, reveals limited knowledge of the relevant technologies Attempts to consider the implications of IT technologies and infrastructure in response to the specific short paper prompt; however, exploration of related issues for organizations and business is limited Not Evident (0%) Does not demonstrate topicrelated issues around core technologies before accepting or forming an opinion or conclusion or demonstrates limited knowledge of the relevant technologies Value 40 Is not able to address the implications of IT technologies and infrastructure in response to the specific short paper prompt or analysis is very limited 40 Articulation of Response Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization, and writing style is professional and fluent Submission has few errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization, and writing has a logical and clear flow Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas Total 20 100%
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Countermeasure for Information Assurance
Your Name Here
School Name Here
February 2, 2019




This paper focuses on software as one of the fundamental countermeasures components in
tackling organizational information security threats. More details on how to address information
security risks, mitigation, and control measures through the use of software applications will be
defined. In this case, online banking as one of the activities affected by information security
threats is the baseline for this topic. The areas to be examined will include antivirus software,
operating system patching, and firewalls.



Countermeasure for Information Assurance
All organizations around the globe rely on informati...

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