Social Media Argumentative Research Paper

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I need someone with good grammar and spelling to write a 1,500 word arguementarive research paper. All directions below. I need it by 11:00 pm 2/3/19.

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ARGUMENTATIVE RESEARCH PAPER LENGTH 1,500-2,000 words (excluding references) 8 references Cover Page Reference Page Write an essay taking the "for" or "against" side of any current issue. Assume that the reader has feelings opposite to yours and attempt to persuade the reader to adopt your point of view. You will do this by making a strong THESISstatement at the beginning and supporting that idea with at least 4 REASONS: Reason #IWith evidence Reason #2 with evidence Reason #3 with evidence Reason #4 with evidence CONCLUSION TOPIC Choose a topic which is of interest to you. Narrow your topic down as much as you can—your paper will be more persuasive that way. Present a PRESCRIPTIVE thesis (what should/shouldn't be), not a descriptive one (what is/isn't). TECHNIQUES Use at least three of the following rhetorical modes for the supporting evidence that will develop your reasons: narrative comparison/contrast description causal analysis definition OUTSIDE SOURCES Use at least eight referencesor quotations from at least five outside sourcesto illustrate and defend your thesis. These must be chosen from at least three of the followingcategories. Television Periodical (magazine or journal) program Daily newspaper Government publication Live Book (limit 2) lecture Other Internet source Pamphlet Personal interview (limit 1) DVD =an expert, not an average citizen= Support your opinion with inarguable FACTS. Give supporting evidence that is free of logical fallacies, assumptions, and biases. Naturally, your own commentary must be free of these weaknesses and above all rational and non-emotional. DOCUMENTATION Cite your sources using the APA style of documentation as shown in Rules for Writers (pgs. 158-191). Give parenthetical references within your text and include a "Reference" list at the end of the paper with full publication data on each source. . LENGTH 1,500-2,000 words (excluding references) 8 references Cover Page Reference Page Write an essay taking the "for" or "against" side of any current issue. Assume that the reader has feelings opposite to yours and attempt to persuade the reader to adopt your point of view. You will do this by making a strong THESISstatement at the beginning and supporting that idea with at least 4 REASONS: THESIS Reason #1with evidence Reason #2 with evidence Reason #3 with evidence Reason #4 with evidence CONCLUSION
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Should social media be seen as a boon or bane?
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Should social media be seen as a boon or bane?
Over the previous decade, the acceptance of social media sites has increased to vast scale.
The present population is living within an age where a portion of their lives have become a
section of various social media sites accessible on the massive world wide web. Within the
growing penetration of these social media sites, a lot has changed and the world continuously has
accepted the change brought about by the penetration of such sites. News presently travels
quicker and widely than in the past due to social sites. Breakings alerts and news appear first
within the social media sites compared to in traditional platforms such as newspapers and
television (Helou, 2014). The most prominent social media sites presently include twitter,
Facebook, and Instagram among others. The reach of the social networking sites has as well
been growing manifold over the years which beg the question: Should social media be seen as a
boon or bane? Social media sites have brought about many benefits to the society and the world
in general. This paper argues that social media should be seen as a boon and not a bane given the
many positive contributions it has brought about globally.
One of the reasons why social media should be seen as boon is because it has brought
about connectivity. The world had shifted from the era of writing letters to writing emails to
instantly connecting through social network sites (Mahmoudi, 2008). This has made connecting
with family, friends, and reconnecting with long lost pals instant and easier. Social network sites
such as Facebook have as well assisted strangers connect. The best part of the social networks is
the effectiveness and efficiency in which it assists users’ link with others. Interactions between
friends and families who are staying across the globe have grown owing to social network’s
calling and messaging. The workplace has not been left out given that workers within the p...

This is great! Exactly what I wanted.


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