how can intelligence led policing solve a serial arsonist case

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complete a 3-5 page paper where you outline how you would apply ILP to solve a serial arsonist case. What resources could you use? Be sure to include an introduction, body, and conclusion. Use APA format, 12-font, New Times Roman –include in-text citations and a reference page. Feel free to do your own research and cite outside sources.

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Explanation & Answer



Title: Intelligence Led Policing
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Intelligence Led Policing

Intelligence-led policing is a strategy used to identify potential victims, and potential
perpetrators then seek assistance from the public to apprehend them. However, this case has been
defined as a serial arson case. Therefore, some protocols are followed during the investigative
process of solving arson incidents. Solving an arson case requires intelligence gathering before
the offender is captured.
The first step is preliminary scene investigation, and this is where the police identify the
origin of the fire. On top of that, they interview any individual who was around when the fire
incident commenced. Additionally, the identification of any other people who were present at the
scene is done. They are the first police officers to respond, fire department, and then proceed to
locate and secure physical evidence. After combing the area and retrieving the necessary
evidence, the investigation should identify primary witnesses and file their interviews.
Afterward, information that adds anything to the evidence is gathered. Notably, it is
collected when witnesses are being interviewed. Therefore, the investigator should locate the
occupants of the torched building, neighbors, person who reported, passer-by witnesses,

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