ISS305 Julie Beck’s Coincidences and the meaning of Life

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read the link and write the reading respond which should follow the rubric in attachment.

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Grading rubric for ISS 305 Reading Responses

Ethan: You should grade responses 1, 3, and 5.
Hyunwoo: You should grade responses 2, 4, and 6.

The maximum grade a reading response can have is 3.5. A student should receive a 3.5 if:
• The reading response was submitted by midnight of the day we discussed that material in class.
• It includes every reading/video assigned for a class (sometimes there are 2)
• States what the general argument of the reading is.
• The student discusses other potential explanations for the argument besides what the author discusses.
• In cases where there is empirical evidence supporting the argument, the student describes the evidence used. This is not essential for the Kida chapters which are mostly supported by examples.

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Grading rubric for ISS 305 Reading Responses Ethan: You should grade responses 1, 3, and 5. Hyunwoo: You should grade responses 2, 4, and 6. The maximum grade a reading response can have is 3.5. A student should receive a 3.5 if: • The reading response was submitted by midnight of the day we discussed that material in class. • It includes every reading/video assigned for a class (sometimes there are 2) • States what the general argument of the reading is. • The student discusses other potential explanations for the argument besides what the author discusses. • In cases where there is empirical evidence supporting the argument, the student describes the evidence used. This is not essential for the Kida chapters which are mostly supported by examples. A student should receive 3.3 or 3.4 (between 94 and 97%) if: • Everything is the same as above, but it was submitted one or two days late. • The student addresses all but one of the items above. • The student addresses all the items above but doesn’t clearly state what the main argument is. A student should receive 3 to 3.2 (between 86 and 91%) • Everything is the same as above, but it was submitted over two days late. • The student shows evidence of doing the reading, but doesn’t discuss the argument, but instead focuses on her/his opinion. • The student is missing 3 of the issues described in the bullet points for a 3.5 grade. A student should receive 2.5 to 2.9 (between 71 to 82%) • All the important issues are covered but it is a week or later (the later it is, the lower the grade). • The student mischaracterizes the reading. For example, says the evidence the author uses is an experiment when it is a descriptive article or chapter. Or says the reading is about a different topic completely. A student should receive between 2.1 and 2.4 (between 60 and 68%) if: • The student wrote about only one of the readings included when there are 2. • Did a really poor job, but submitted on time. By poor job I mean just wrote a paragraph about the reading but not much else. A student should receive a failing grade (2 or less): • The student wrote about the wrong reading. • Did a poor job and submitted late.
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Reading Response: Julie Beck’s ‘Coincidences and the meaning of Life’



Reading Response: Julie Beck’s ‘Coincidences and the meaning of Life.'
The article by Julie Beck titled ‘Coincidences and the meaning of Life’ attempts to
describe the notion of coincidence by relying on results of some studies chief among them being
by David Spiegelhalter of the University of Cambridge that relied on a study of 4,470
coincidences. The author tries to analyze the concept by introducing scenarios that she has
experienced alongside the findings of the researcher while attempting to gain a better
understanding of the description. According to the author, coincidence can be described as an
unusual occurrence of events, which is perceived as having a meaningful relation and having no
apparent connection of the cause (Beck, 2016). The report attempt...

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