In this last exercise for the week, it's your turn to select one contemporary artist, art style, or movement/trend within visual culture today that you think is particularly interesting.
Be sure to include in your post...
- An attached JPEG of the artwork.
- A clear identification of the artwork (artist name, title, date, art historical movement, medium).
- A brief analysis of form, noting how this connects to the larger trends within the history of Modern art as well as contemporary aesthetic contexts.
- A brief analysis of subject matter, noting how this connects to the larger trends within the the history of Modern art as well as contemporary cultural contexts.
- A brief analysis of any larger themes, symbols, or messages present in this work, noting how this connects to its larger trends within the the history of Modern art as well as contemporary cultural contexts.
- A brief explanation why you chose this work to share with us and how this work can help us to understand the larger changes happening in the art world and world at large, today.

Explanation & Answer

Here you go! Let me know if you need any edits or have any questions
Running head: THE AWAKENING,2017
The Awakening, 2017 by Andrew Browne
Institution Affiliation:
This article is an analysis of a contemporary painting known as “The Awakening, 2017”.
The painting is the work of the artist Andrew Browne from Melbourne, Australia. The artwork
recently won the Geelong contemporary art prize for 2018 which is an award for contemporary
painting. The painting was produced in 2017. The artist, Andrew Browne mainly uses painting as
the medium of his arts. However, he also uses photography and drawings at times. His main
interest is in the manmade and the natural environment with a keen interest in investigating the
phenomenon of illumination and the everyday. His works sometimes evoke surreal moods which
are derived from his observations and...