A Doll House By Henrik Ibsen English Literature Essay Help

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short essay on a doll house 350 words

prof's suugestion: Sometimes people miss the basic idea that you are writing about a performance of the play that you are imagining - your production. You are not just writing about the play. You need to imagine yourself as a designer and describe the specific choices you will make in order to create an interpretation of the texton stage for a McMaster audience. Don't just tell us what happens in the scene, tell us how your production will create insight on the action.

If you don't make production choices, you will not do well on this essay. Have fun!

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A Doll House
Designing a performance of a play requires a production designer to make specific
choices which aim at creating an interpretation of a given text to the audience. As a designer, my
production intents to reflect and demonstrate how set design opts to create insight into the action
and various ways in which the audience could connect with the play’s action. The core objective
of acting A Doll House is to highlight that t...

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