Case Study

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Your assignment is to write a case conceptualization, a description of the case and an interpretation of the issues and problems involved. The studies and discussions in Units 4 and 5 were designed to provide the rich data and information upon which you will draw to arrive at your understanding of this client and his situation. You will need to articulate the technology and tools necessary to gather sufficient information on the needs of your selected client.


You began gathering information about your case client in Unit 4, using information in the course files and the media piece Interactive Case File. Now pull this information together, analyze what you have, and write a case conceptualization, following this format:

  • Background: Provide a clear and concise background of the case, showing a holistic view of the client. What information do you have about the client? What additional information would you need to gather? Which tools and technology can help you in making competent decisions about this case?
  • Problem Identification: Provide an analysis of the main issues in the case. Clearly connect how issues and needs presented by the client are affecting his emotions and behaviors.
  • Case Summary: Present a concise conceptualization of what the needs are and a rationale as to why they should be the focus of your recommendations. Keep in mind that this section is what you will present to the collaborative team, so you want to make sure that you are presenting a clear snapshot of the person and the areas that need to be identified. Use technology and tools effectively. If more than one need or issue is present, make sure to rank these needs and support why one needs to be addressed over another. The goal is not to make recommendations, but rather to provide a solid starting point for the collaborative team to begin thinking about recommendations.
  • Case 1: Joseph, an 8-year-old first grader recently placed in foster care after an emergency removal from his home.
  • Requirements

    • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
    • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to the current APA style and formatting.
    • Length of paper: 5–8 typed, double-spaced pages.
    • Font and font size: Arial, 10 point.

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CASE FILE Joseph Lansing Samuals Elementary School EVALUATION TEAM REPORT Student's Name: Joseph Lansing Grade: 2nd Age 8 Date of Report: 2/20/12 Evaluator: Dr. Abby Jones-Martin, School Psychologist Areas of Assessment: Background Medical History Achievement Cognitive Functioning Motor Vision and Hearing Background Joseph is currently attending 2nd grade at Samuels Elementary School. He was referred for an evaluation at the request of the elementary intervention assistance team. Concerns were indicated in the following areas:     Attention and concentration Change in motivation and effort Recently become more withdrawn Recently become more hostile toward peers and teachers Joseph was recently removed from this home where he resided with his mother and younger sister until he was placed in foster care following a period of significant neglect and possible physical abuse. A recent report filed by the school initiated an investigation of the boy’s living situation. The school was legally obligated to call when a teacher reported seeing dark bruises on Joseph’s arms and wrists. He was placed in foster care with Ed and Susan Smith, and has been living there for the past two months. This has been his only placement since his removal. At the time of this assessment, Joseph’s younger sister was placed in the care of a family member. However, Child Protective Services determined that this was not a good placement for both children. His mother is currently in jail serving a jail sentence for six months and then will have to complete a year of court-mandated substance abuse treatment at a treatment facility in another part of the state. Joseph has not spoken to his mother since his removal from the home. He is aware of where his sister is located but has not had contact with her in the past two months. Academic Progress At the time of this assessment, Joseph had been attending Samuels Elementary School, where he’d been since kindergarten. A review of his school records show that he repeating the first grade due to too many days of school missed. Teacher reports indicated that Joseph made great progress by repeating a year and was able to make gains in the areas he was deficient during the year he repeated. A review of this records shows that during his repeated first grade year he only had two absences. A review of Joseph’s records indicated proficient scores on statewide 2nd-grade academic proficiency in most areas. Results of this assessment indicate adequately developed skills in the areas of reading, math and writing. His performance almost placed Joseph in the advanced-proficient range in both writing and citizenship. His performance was as follows. Writing Reading Mathematics Citizenship Science Established Proficiency Standard 5 217 217 216 215 Established Advanced Standard 7 250 250 250 250 Joseph’s Level 6 233 241 248 208 Below Proficiency Standard Meets Proficiency Standard X X X X Advanced Proficiency Standard X A review of Joseph’s records did not indicate any significant attendance concerns. It should be noted that at the time of this assessment, Joseph was serving two days of a five-day suspension for threatening to bring a gun to school. His suspension was instituted to remove Joseph from school pending the results of this assessment and a school intervention team behavior determination meeting. Attendance Report J. Lansing Excused Unexcused Suspension Expelled TOTAL Total 2 1 1 (5 days) 0 110 days in school SAMUALS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISCIPLINE REVIEW WRITE UP In carrying out a discipline review, the referring individual and other qualified personnel shall first consider, in terms of the behavior subject to disciplinary action, all relevant information including evaluation and diagnostic results; including results or other information supplied others familiar with the event; observations of the individual; and the individual’s current placement. Student’s Full Name: Joseph Lansing Date of Report: 2/15/2012 Nature of the behavior subject to disciplinary action: The student was referred to the principal’s office after making a statement during recess that he was thinking of bringing a gun to school. Summary of Events Prior to the Behavior Mrs. Porter’s second grade class was at recess. The recess bell had just rung, and the students were lining up to enter the building. Joseph proceeded to line up with his peers without incident. It was during his time in line that he stated to the children near him that he was thinking of bringing a gun to school. Witnesses reported that a student asked Joseph why he was being so quite at recess and asked him what he was thinking about.” Prior to lining up, Joseph was reported to have spent his time at recess walking the parameters of the playground by himself. He was approached several times by different sets of peers to play with him but he kept walking. Summary of Events after the behavior: The classroom teacher was made aware of threatening statement once the children returned to class. The two students that were near Joseph when he made his statement approached the teacher. The teacher then called the office and asked if someone would please come to the classroom and remove Joseph to the office. The school counselor met the classroom teacher in the hall and the events were shared. The school counselor then walked with Joseph to the office. He met with Joseph briefly but Joseph was unwilling to talk. He indicated that he did say he was going to bring a gun to school. He stated, “I said I was going to bring a gun to school because this was the easiest way he could go to jail and see my mom.” The counselor was unable to determine if Joseph had access to a gun or had a gun available. A check of Joseph’s locker and backpack didn’t produce a gun. Joseph’s foster parents were called and Joseph was suspended for five days so an evaluation could take place and future decisions could be made. Signature: Jackie Jobes, Assistant Principal Social-Emotional Assessment: Joseph Lansing A behavioral rating scale was administered by the school psychologist to assist the team in better understanding Joseph’s current level of social-emotional functioning. The results of this assessment will be used to assist the intervention team in understanding Joseph’s current actions and help guide the decisionmaking process. For the purposes of this assessment, the following behavior rating scales were administered:    BASC Parent Rating Scale (PRS), completed by Joseph’s foster parent (Mrs. Smith) BASC Parent Rating Scale (PRS), completed by Joseph’s foster parent (Mr. Smith) BASC Teacher Rating Scale (TRS), completed by Joseph’s Classroom Teacher (Mrs. Porter) Parent and teacher responses rated Joseph’s behavior as follows: Behavior Assessment 120 t-scores 100 80 60 40 Mrs. Smith 20 Adaptive Skills Composite Study Skills Leadership Social Skills Adaptability School Problems Compostie Learning Problems Attention Problems Withdrawl Atypicality Internalizing Problems Somatization Depression Anxiety Externalizing Problems Conduct Problems Aggression Mr. Smith Hyperactivity 0 Mrs. Porter Mean= 50 Clinical Scales T-Score Range Descriptor Hyperactivity, Aggression, Conduct Problems. Externalizing Problems Composite, Anxiety, Depression, Somatization, Internalizing Problems, Atypicality, Withdrawn, Leaning Problems, School Problems Composite 70 and Above 60-69 41-59 31-40 30 and below Clinically Significant At-Risk Average Low Very Low Adaptive Scales T-Score Range Descriptor Adaptability, Social Skills, Leadership, Study Skills, Adaptive Skills Composite 70 and Above 60-69 41-59 31-40 30 and below Very High High Average At-Risk Clinically Significant
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Case Study: Lansing
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Case Study: Lansing

In this case, Joseph Lansing, who is an 8-year-old, exhibits signs of antisocial behavior. He was
taken from his home where he lived with the mother and young sister after it was suspected that he was
being abused physically in the family setup. Evidence of this abuse was in the form of dark spots on his
face and arms. The school was obliged to report the suspicious aspects and the report yielded fruit and
enabled Lansing to get help and assessment that is aimed at helping him. After being taken from his
home, he was placed under the care of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, where it was deemed that he would get
appropriate care and support that a family provides without the neglect and abuse that he might have
been subjected to in his previous home. His sister was placed under the care of a relative and he has not
spoken to her or heard from her in the two months he has been with his foster parents. He has also not
had a chance to speak to his biological mother since they were separated.
However, the new arrangement has affected Lansing in ways that have not been fully exhausted
and are still under study. Some of the elements that may have been affected include his self-drive, sense
of motivation, attention, and concentration, and his ability to socialize with others in a constructive manner
that does not involve hostilities and fear. On the positive side, when Lansing was repeated in his school,
he managed to regain his good performance and almost made it to the advanced-proficient range tier in
the areas of writing and citizenship. Additionally, from a year of missing classes significantly, he
transitioned to a period of faithful attendance of classes, only missing one day unexcused.
Regardless of the apparent triumph on the academic side, Lansing still has some issues that
seem to gnaw at his inner self. The disarray in his family has undoubtedly had a tremendous impact on
his life and his view as well as attitudes. For example, despite the fact that he seems to be back on track
with his education, he indicates that he needs to see and be with his mother. This is demonstrated when
he contemplates bringing a gun to school and discloses the desire to his fellow students. He keeps aloof
and says that he thinks bringing the gun to the school is the easiest way that he can be reunited with his
mother, who is in jail at the moment.



His social-emotional assessment was conducted by getting his teacher, and both foster parents
to rank him based on a list of behavior that they observe in his character. T...

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