peer response

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attached is the peer response instructions and posts. please respond substantively to the other students posts using the reading material to support claims. please let me know if you have any questions.

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Explanation & Answer


Peer Responses:
Discussion 1 Instructions:
Select an organization with which you are familiar and describe the type of compensation
strategy it uses.
Response Instruction: Respond to two of your peers’ posts using the reading material to support
your claims.
Student 1:
An organization that I am very familiar with is the telecommunications company T-Mobile.
While T-Mobile does pay their employees on a hourly bases, retail employees are also
commissioned employees which is indicative of direct compensation. The compensation strategy
of T-Mobile closely resembles that of a business strategy with emphasis on a differentiation
strategy. A compensation strategy aligns “with the company’s overall strategic vision and goals”
(Weathington, B. L. & Weathington, J. G. 2016). T-Mobile uses this strategy by catering to a
smaller, younger audience targeting those who do not want to be stuck at their current wireless
provider (Shepard, 2019). A differentiation strategy is when a “firm sets itself apart in the
marketplace by offering unique and unusual products or services” (Weathington, B. L. &
Weathington, J. G. 2016). “A strategy of differentiation is usually developed around firmspecific and product-specific innovations and marketing effort that may not be easy to imitate
quickly” (Banker, R.,D., Mashruwala, R., & Tripathy, A. (2014). The differentiation T-Mobile
displays is that of listening to their customers, eliminating pain points within the industry, and
offering a personal connection that other companies fail to understand (Shepard, 2019). TMobile has branded itself the “Uncarrier” because they want to set themselves apart from every
other wireless provider in the market. The U.S. market has 4 major cell phone providers as it is a
small niche market.
The compensation strategy for T-Mobile is as follows, “Our executive compensation p...

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