Anatomy of the urinary and endocrine system

User Generated




part 1

  • How is the endocrine system similar to a thermostat? Explain this analogy and include a discussion of homeostasis in your answer.
  • If you had to choose one gland or resulting hormone to live without, which one would it be and why?
  • Which gland and/or resulting hormones do you think serve the most important function and why? Include an example from personal experience or a scenarioA table of the major endocrine organs and their associated hormones

Step 2 Create a table.

Create a table of the major endocrine organs of the human body. For each organ, include:

  • Hormones associated with each organ and the target cells affected by those hormones
  • One example of a disease or disorder
  • Brief comment about whether this organ is impacted by stage of life

part 2

Create a PowerPoint presentation

Create a five-slide PowerPoint presentation that covers the following topics:

o Anatomy of the urinary system

o Path of urine formation

o Composition of urine

Conduct research as necessary and include images in your slides (cite your sources). Be concise. Put detailed notes in the notes section of each slide.

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer


Anatomy of the urinary system

 Urinary system is a group of body organs

that are involved in filtering excessive bodily
fluids and other substances from the blood.

Two kidneys
Two Ureters

Anatomy of the urinary system

Two sphincter muscles
Nerves in the bladder

Path of urine formation

 The kidneys - The urine is formed.
 The twin ureters - transported
 The bladder - stored
 Then the Urethra - transported
 Finally outside the body

Composition of urine

 Urea
 Ammonia
 Creatinine and creatine
 Uric acid
 Amino acids
 Allantoin
 Sulphates

Composition of urine

 Chlorides
 Phosphates
 Oxalates
 Minerals
 Enzymes
 Hormones and vitamins
 Proteins


 Mandira, P. (2017, June 13). What is the path of urine through the urinary system? |
Socratic. Retrieved from
 Stanford Children's Health. (n.d.). default - Stanford Children's Health. Retrieved from

Great study resource, helped me a lot.


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