Two part question, first part is a 300 minimum word answer which has instructions in the requirements and the second is a minimum 500 word reponse on a UAS platform X5-55 (discription in the attachment)

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ASCI 315

Embry Riddle Aeronautical


What do you think about flying on an airline that is unmanned and fully autonomous? Do you think that will be an option in your life time and would you do it? Would you want to be a passenger on an airplane that is unmanned and fully autonomous? Why or why not?

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ASCI 315 May 2017 UAS Platform Discussion Assignment Activity Each student will be assigned to post a write up discussion between Module 2 through Module 6. Your write up discussion will describe in detail a UAS platform that fosters interaction from other students. Provide two or three suggested areas that other students can respond to in reference to your write up. You must choose a UAS platform by the end of Module 2, first come first choice. So the sooner you post your topic, the better chance that the UAS platform you want will still be available. You will post your topic and your write up in the designated discussion activities within the course. Please Note: • Your write up will discuss the characteristics of the UAS platform to include the who, what, when, where, and why of the UAS platform. • Your write up will be a minimum of 500 words and MUST be approved by the instructor. • Your write up must be posted by the end of Module 5 and all responses complete by Module 6. • Every student will respond to a minimum of two discussions and the response will be a at least 200 words
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Explanation & Answer

Hello! Here is the answer to this question. Thanks.


Unmanned Aircraft Systems


Part I

I think that flying on an aircraft that is unmanned and fully autonomous is pretty scary.
While thorough quality assurance measures would have been taken to ensure that high levels of
safety are attained, I would still be afraid, especially, where I happen to imagine that something
might go wrong. Throughout my life, I have been used to know aircrafts being manned. Thus,
flying in an unmanned one would make me feel uncomfortable. Although I am aware that
unmanned aircraft are something which is slowly taking shape, it might be long before I come to
accept it fully as being a normal occurrence in the current world.
Flying in an unmanned aircraft would not be an option in my lifetime. Although I like being
experimental, I still consider the concept of safety seriously. I would not wish to partake in
something which I strongly believe would out my life in grave danger. Thus, I would choose to
consider going the traditional ...

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