speed of sound

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Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner T1-84 p TEXAS INS Nime Sao Dile Lah Partners 7 = 2 (L₂ - L.) 4-2, = 23-L, - Ly - La 22 LABORATORY 22 Speed of Sound-Resonance Tube LABORATORY REPORT L₂-5 Ly - 7 급 Data Table 1 m/s Room Temperature 24 C Speed of sound 333.242 Data Table 2 Data Table 3 512 Hz 1024 Hz Frequency Fork Two = Frequency Fork One L2 (m) Lum) LA (m) L (m) L. (m) L (m) L. (m La (m) 39 24 24 .24 42 :43 .46 58 62 2 162 2 1.73 70 14 14 15 140 .4.1 49 .50 53 6.5 6.7 265 -76 Calculations Table 2 m L = m m L = 73 - 46067 m L = [2=4 367 ,24 m m m וח 012 = 11 32 83 m 2 = 2122 - Lj) = 23.934 ī - 3628 m m 12 = (L3-L)= 36.67 m iz=2/3(LL= m v=fi=371.5 m/s % Err Calculations Table 3 תו 13= 0.506 L = 65 6 וון m L = L = 143 0.400 וח m 014 ות COPYRIGHT 2008 Thomson Brooks/Cole 013 m 212 ali = m m 1. = 2(L2 - L1=.5.14 I= .405 iz =(L3 - Lı) = 363 m Az = 2/3(L4 - L.) = . 338 V = fi= 20736m/s % Err = m m 231
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Explanation & Answer

Here it is. I did it to my best

Speed of Sound – Resonance Tube

1. What is the equation that relates the speed V, the frequency f, and the wavelength λ of a
2. How are standing waves produced?
-Standing waves are produced by the interference between two waves of exactly the same speed,
frequency, and wavelength going in the same place in opposite directions.
3. What name is given to a point in space where the wave amplitude is zero at all times?
- Node.
4. What name is given to a point in space where the wave amplitude is a maximum at all times?
5. What are the conditions that must be satisfied in order to produce a standing wave in a tube
open at one end and closed at the other end?
-There must be a node at the closed end of the tube and an antinode at the open end of the tube.
Also, the speed of sound must be fixed and the frequency of the tuning fork must also be fixed.
6. For an ideal resonance tube an antinode occurs at the open end of the tube. What property of
real resonance tubes slightly alters the position of this antinode?
- For the real tube the point at which the upper antinode occurs is just outside the end of the tube
and this exact location depends on the diameter of the tube, a property of real resonance tubes
that slightly changes the position of this antinode.
7. A student using a tuning fork of frequency 512 Hz observes that the speed of sound is 340
m/sec. What is the wavelength of this sound wave?
340/512= 0.664m
8. A student using a resonance tube determines that three resonances occur at distances of L1=
0.172 m, L2= 0.529 m, and L3= 0.885 m below the open end of the tube. The frequency of the
tuning fork used is 480 Hz. What is the average speed of sound from these data?
0.529 - 0.172 = 0.357mλ1=2(L2-L1) = 2(0.529 - 0.172) = 0.714mV = fλ= 480(.714) = 342.72

Speed of Sound – Resonance Tube


1. What is the accuracy of each of your measurements of the speed of sound? State clearly
the evidence for your answer.
0.06449 is the accuracy of each of your measurements of the speed of sound. (V-VT)/VT=
2. What is the precision of each of your measurements of speed of sound? State clearly the
evidence for your answer.
Data table 2. The accuracy can be measured through ...

Awesome! Perfect study aid.


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