Critical Thinking Questions: Life By Personal Design chapters 2 and 3

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Critical Thinking Questions Please answer the following 2 questions from Life By Personal Design chapters 2 & 3 :

1. What does it mean to you to eat foods that are in harmony with your body? Please pull 3 examplesfrom the reading to support your thoughts and share how you will personally apply these to your life. It is expected that you will provide a paragraph for each example (5-7 sentences).

2. What body type/types do you identify with? What type/types of exercises do you currently participate in or want to incorporate into your life? Please explain how you believe exercise helps both our physical and emotional health. Please use complete sentences when answering the 3 questions posed above.

(book name: Life by Personal Design by Maria Napoli & Sue Roe (3rd Edition))

1-Please use APA or MLA format and include properly formatted citations when referencing the book or other sources. I don't need a title page, but I would like your assignments double-spaced using 12 pt Times New Roman font (or something very similar).

2. Please answer questions fully and thoroughly. Please demonstrate you have read the chapters. Your responses should show synthesis as opposed to summary. I am anticipating this Sunday's responses to be approximately 1 1/2 to 2 pages in length.

3. Remember to use personal experiences and connections. This course is all about you, and I want you to be honest and candid. If you are struggling to find a personal connection, please relate the question to an experience you have seen or have known someone else has gone through. This is a great opportunity for you to practice empathy.

4. Be conscious of grammar and spelling. We have wonderful tutors and grad students working in the writing center and are there to help anyone who may need some guidance or a second pair of eyes to look at an assignment.

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Explanation & Answer

hi 😊 😊 , please find the attached to answers to your questions. i hope my work will be satisfactory and you will give me a good review. thanks ✌

Surname 1
Name of the student:
Question 1
Eating food that is in harmony with my body involves eating those foods that are good
for my body and they enhance performance of my body systems by absorbing more healthy
nutrients after consumption. One becomes a good consumer when he or she develops good
eating habits by selecting the foods that they consume. A good consumer checks on the
information on food labels to know the size of a single serving, number of calories in the food
and the amount of sugar in the food.; this helps to prevent eating food with too much calories or
excess sugars but allows for eating food within the required ranges for a healthy life (Niehof,
34). A good consumer incorporates sufficient fiber, calcium, vitamins and iron in the food in his
or her diet.
Practicing mindful eating is a good example of eating food that is in harmony with the
body. When we eat with no thought, we end up getting complications later like increased weight
which may bring obesity and other diseases. Therefore it is good to eat carefully and think before
deciding on what to eat (Napoli, 25). Mindful eating helps us to know the difference between
physical and emotional hunger and how to control them.
I will apply mindful eating by meditating before eating and asking myself if I am hungry
or not, to confirm this, I will be watching a movie and know if I have physical or emotional

Surname 2
hunger and know how to handle it. I will also avoid eating on a comfort zone like sofa which
might make me lay down while eating and this is unhealthy, I will chose eating from the dining
table, eating slower and chewing my food well will also help me check on my eating habits and
finally I will check on my portion size, eating too much food is unhealthy (Napoli, 26).
Understanding your body image and learning how to maximize your body vitality will
help eat foods that are in harmony with your body. One should know how they look, are they
thin, tall, or fat? This helps to create one’s self-esteem and know how to live socially
(Ricciardelli, 475). Having a positive body image will help one know what foods to eat and...

Just what I needed…Fantastic!


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