Legal Issues of Cyberstalking and Cyberbullying discussion

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Computer Science


1: need a literature review on the topic listed in the PDF. (Cyberstalking or Cyberbullying and Laws to Protect Individuals)

2: please include each and every point asked by the professor.

3: do not deviate from the instructions provided in the PDF.

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Case Study: Lab – Cyberstalking or Cyberbullying and Laws to Protect Individuals Please ensure at least 2 real-world examples are discussed and integrated in the literature review. In this lab you will conduct a review of the literature on this topic and complete a literature review on this topic. There are many sites that can assist in the formatting and content of a literature review. Here is an example: Some of the questions to consider are: 1. What is the business problem/issue formulated by the author? 2. Is it clearly defined? 3. Could the problem have been approached more effectively or from another perspective? 4. Has the author also evaluated the literature relevant to this problem/issue? 5. Does the author agree or disagree with the relevant literature? 6. How does the article contribute to your understanding of the problem or topic? Literature Review Expectations: 1. At least 10 peer-reviewed articles are to be included in the literature review. 2. It should be organized by theme or subject of the article. 3. A minimum of one paragraph is required per article is required. 4. The review must be synthesized, and the articles analyzed for content as it relates to the content of the case study above. 5. Free of grammatical errors. 6. No evidence of plagiarism. 7. Since this is Information Technology related the articles cannot be greater than 5-years old unless it considered a seminal article. 8. The literature review must be run through the plagiarism detector and no more than 25% of the articles should be used by another student. If there is a greater than 25% match in the paper it will receive a point deduction of 50%. If greater than 50% is a match the submission will receive a 0 without an option for resubmission. If there is a match in articles the synthetization and analyzation of the material MUST be original for content. Written Requirements Be sure to use appropriate APA format and cite your Reading or other sources that you used in your literature review. The literature review should contain enough information to adequately answer the business problem provided in the case study and contain no spelling, grammar, or APA errors. Points deducted from grade for each writing, spelling, or grammar error are at your instructor’s discretion. Also review the university policy on plagiarism. If you have any questions, please contact your professor. Directions for Submitting Your Lab Place your literature review in the drobox for the Unit 3 Lab.
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Attached is the complete work along with its outline. Please feel free to ask for any changes or clarification. Thank you!😊

Surname 1

February 15, 2019

Surname 2
Title page------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------page 1
Introduction---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------page 2
Journal 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------page 2
Journal 2-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------page 2
Journal 3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------page 3
Journal 4-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------page 4
Journal 5-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------page 5
Journal 6-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------page 6
Journal 7-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------page 6
Journal 8-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------page 7
Journal 9-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------page 7
Journal 10------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------page 8
References-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------page 9

Surname 1
RUNNING HEAD: Unit 6 lab

February 15, 2019

Surname 2
RUNNING HEAD: Unit 6 lab
Legal Issues Cyberstalking or Cyberbullying: A literature review
Cyberbullying is when an individual threatens and harasses other individuals over and
over with intent to cause fear and panic (Frensh and Mulyadi, 2018). Cyberstalking refers to a
situation where an individual receives threats on the internet or via other electronic media over
and over that would cause any person to feel afraid (Kamal and Newman, 2016).
According to Aboujaoude et al, (2015), cyberbullying has become a very serious issue
over the recent past years. It affects children and adolescents from all walks of life. These
researchers sought to understand the level of knowledge the common man had concerning
cyberbullying and its effects in all aspects (psychologically, socially and legally). The findings of
this study proved that the population that is highly at risk of cyberbullying is females and
minorities. Most of the cyberbullies were found to be male. Cyberbullying was intricately linked
to suicidal risk. Different prevention and management strategies, including legislation, are being
put in place to help manage the situation.
I believe that the issue ...

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