Red Flags in Fraud Discussion

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Business Finance


1. What were some of the red flags that fraud was occurring?

2. Describe some of the ways that Rita Crundwell was able to get away with the fraud for

so long.

3. What are some of the internal controls Dixon, Illinois has implemented to prevent fraud

in the future?

answer those three question clearly in 2 or 3 pages and totally need at least four sources,

Use all conventions of standard written English, APA formatting, and proofread your responses for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

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Running head: RED FLAG FRAUD


Red flag fraud


Institution of Affiliation




1. What were some of the red flags that fraud was occurring?
The red flag fraud case happened through Rita’s lavish lifestyle in a small city budget.
This was especially due to the aspect that the city cannot employ employees on full-time
programs. She also purchased luxury motor vehicles and owned a home worth 2.1 million. Also,
there were increased sums of money deposited into false accounts. The checks included large
sums of money deposited into Rita’s secret account. Another red flag aspect that allowed the
fraud to occur for such a period was due to the separation of duties. The city of Dixon had no
alternative individual who would be granted some of the chores granted to Crudwell. They
lacked alternative positions like a city manager or a full-time mayor who would work on other

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