MPM357 Quality Management Integration discussion

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For this assignment, you will specify what the quality dimension is specific to the project's overall deliverable and the overall criteria that you will use to measure each of the quality dimensions that you researched in the Discussion Board. Your next task is to fill in the relevant pieces of information in Columns 2 and 3 for each quality dimension.

For the compilation of your quality dimension criteria, you may use a matrix similar to the following table:


The overall project deliverables are the following:

  • Update the Key Assignment document title page with the new date and document name.
  • Update the previously completed sections based on the instructor's feedback.
    • Create the Quality Dimensions and Criteria section, and add it to the Quality Management Integration Plan shell.
      • Construct a matrix similar to the example.
      • Fill in Column 2 with refined information that you first explored in this week’s Discussion Board.
      • Fill in Column 3 with how you will measure or determine how each of the dimensions has been satisfied.
      • Column 4 is a placeholder for when the quality assurance tasks are performed.
  • Update the Key Assignment title page with the new date and the Table of Contents with the new page numbers and document name.
  • Calculate the cost of quality according to the PMBOK® Guide - Sixth Edition.
  • Name the document "LastName_FirstName_MPM357_IP2.doc."

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

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Explanation & Answer

I have attached the answer Hit me up if you need edits Thanks

MPM357 Quality Management Integration
Project Name
Your Name

Table of Contents
Project Outline ................................................................................................................................ 3
Project Description...................................................................................................................... 3
Organizational Readiness for Quality Management ....................................................................... 4
Quality Systems that the Organization Employs Today ............................................................. 4
Quality Systems Analysis ............................................................................................................... 5
Pros and Cons of at least 3 Quality Systems............................................................................... 5
Quality Dimensions and Criteria .................................................................................................... 7
Quality Process Improvement Tools and Techniques (TBD) ....................................................... 10
Quality Performance Monitoring and Control (TBD) .................................................................. 11
Management’s Role in Quality Management (TBD).................................................................... 12
Quality Performance Communication Plan (TBD)....................................................................... 13
References ..................................................................................................................................... 14

Project Outline
Project Description
Different standards need to be met when conducting and managing a project. Quality
management describes the acceptable level of quality within a project that is usually defined set
standards or customer needs. Construction of an administration block for a school is the project I
will develop a quality management integration plan for. The project is being managed by and
organization called ABC Construction Limited. It is a firm that specifically engages in the
construction of buildings and complexes. The current project being managed by the entity
involves professional the construction of a building and there are different standards have to be
followed to ensure that quality has been achieved. Several processes need to be followed to
ensure that the project is a success and this includes quality planning, quality assurance, and
quality control.
Description of the Overall Project Deliverables
Construction of the administration block requires different experts to work on different
areas within the pro...

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