4 page paper on australia, follow instructions in prompt and try to include information in outline

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This is a 4 page paper Hey okay, so choose a country that begins with the first letter of ur last name, so A would be mine…. and then look into their economy and society, such as education system, politics, government, women’s rights etc It’s like a whole overview of the economy and it’s people


Remember, this is not a summary or rehashing of the existing information on the CIA factbook. Use additional scholarly sources (research articles, or reputable news outlets like the economist, wall street journal, financial times) to support your opinions if you find it necessary.

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Has the World Gotten Smaller? It is said that modern transportation and communications have abolished distance, so that the world has become a small place. But, can political forces outweigh the effects of technology in the global economy? Choose any emerging nation whose name starts with the first letter of your last name for your report, other than China or Russia and review their steps for economic growth and development. What changes are they making, have they improved the living standards of their citizens? Are they major polluters, overcome inequality, controlled population growth? What is the status of women? Education? Report should be about 10-15 minutes long. Please do not just go into the CIA reports and babble them back to us, do the research. You might try contacting the economic counsel to the UN for the country and ask them to send you some logo materials. Explain that you are a student at Monmouth ob University and are researching their country for a report. They may or may not be helpful, but the experience for you contacting them will be valuable. ome Insert Design Layout References Mailings Revie ४ Calibri Light (... 16 A- A Aa A2 abe X2 X? A ANA = aste B I U ॐ of free obligatory schooling) Spanish is the predominant language in most classrooms - 1 What are their steps towards economic developing, what are they doing? Political system, is it changing? Are they major polluters? What is their education system like? Social class? Status of women Religion, thoughts on birth control? - Russia has the highest illiteracy in the world 2 en 14% of the US cannot read or write 21% read below the fifth grade level 42 million adults cannot read 15% lives below the poverty line our maternal death rate is one of the highest OLCD-mothers having babies about half of all jobs will be replaced by robots retail trade (amazon) have robotic stores 目三 = 43 of 401 Words * English (US)
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Hey buddy, attached is the report to the question 😎


Country Analysis: Australia

Country Analysis: Australia
Located to the Southeast of Asia (27 00 S, 133 00 E) and sandwiched between the Indian
and Pacific oceans, Australia is the world’s sixth largest country and also the smallest continent
(World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency, 2019). Australian politics is conducted in a
federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy whereby the citizens elect parliamentarians who
represent them in the Parliament of Australia. The Australian parliament is a bicameral body
integrating elements of a fused executive. The country has a federal senate similar to the United
States Congress. Notably, Australian political space is dominated by two parties. However,
voting is compulsory and the country is rated as a “full democracy” under the Economist
Intelligence Unit. This report is an analysis of Australia’s political forces on the global economy
and technology, focusing on the country’s economic development, political system, social
stratification, environmental issues, the status of women and religion as well as thoughts on birth
Australia leads a mixed market economy which has passed many lows and highs in the
recent decades. The country’s GDP is at a high of $50,400 (2017 est.) with low levels of poverty
making the market among the first five developed countries globally (World Factbook - Central
Intelligence Agency, 2019). While many activities take place in the Australian economy, they are
anchored on four primary components of Manufacturing, Trade, Financing and Service
provision. A keen look into Australia’s economy reveals that the service sector dwarfs all the
other sectors of the economy. However, an estimated 57% of the country’s export is obtained
from the mining and agriculture sectors. The prosperity of the Australian economy is also
attributed to high levels of industrialization, large scale productions, abundant natural resources,...

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