JUS 261 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
The final project for this course is the creation of a scenario analysis.
Federal, state, and local judicial systems each have unique processes and require administration to effectively move cases through the systems. Players from
each system interact in the administration of justice; therefore, it is important to understand how the systems work and engage with each other for efficient
judicial administration. Understanding how judicial systems work is key for anyone looking to pursue a career within the courts.
In this assessment, you will examine and evaluate the roles and processes of the systems, regardless of your position within the systems. Through analyzing a
scenario, you will determine proper venue, jurisdiction, and litigation process, as well as make administrative decisions. You will also assume multiple
perspectives in order to determine efficient and effective ways to move a case through the judicial process.
The project is divided into two milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Three and Five. The final product will be submitted in Module Seven.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
Analyze venue and jurisdiction for their implications to different levels of government
Illustrate the various roles played in the judicial system for informing the development of effective administration strategies
Assess the function of calendars and dockets in the legal system for creating efficiency
Evaluate the civil and criminal litigation processes at different levels of government for their ability to efficiently carry out justice
In this assessment, you will analyze and evaluate the following scenario from the perspectives of an attorney and a judge. You will address how this scenario
would be handled by the judicial systems by creating a scenario analysis. Based on the scenario, examine how it would be tried within the judicial systems.
Jed, Herman, and Jane live in Washington, D.C. Jed and Jane entered the local bank and took $65,000. Jed and Herman both used shotguns during the robbery,
though no one was hurt. Jane drove the getaway vehicle. Two hours later, as they headed toward the Canadian border, they were stopped by the police for
speeding and taken into custody. The police determined that Jed and Jane matched the eyewitness descriptions of the robbers. Jane confessed their bank
robbery scheme. Jed and Herman denied their involvement. The police only recovered $25,000 in cash, but were unable to determine if the recovered money
was taken from the bank. The police determined that Jed was a convicted felon at the time of the armed bank robbery. The local police and FBI were involved in
the investigation.
The defense attorneys for each defendant (Jed, Herman, Jane) request a continuance for four months to sift through the evidence. The prosecution objects and
argues that the delay would significantly clog the court’s already heavy workload. In the alternative, the prosecution argues that if the court grants a
continuance, then the prosecution should be allowed to prolong turning over the remaining discovery. The defense attorneys object and argue that this hinders
their effective representation of their clients and would hinder a prompt resolution. The defense attorneys further argue that their clients deserve a well
prepared and thorough defense. The judge currently has trials blocked over the next 10 months and wants to try the case now.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Judicial Systems
A. Describe the hierarchical structure for federal, state, and local court systems. What is the primary role of each level?
B. Explain the primary differences between the federal and state levels of judicial systems. Describe the importance in having these different levels.
C. Explain the subject matter jurisdiction for federal, state, and local courts. What impact does this have on the efficiency of court systems?
D. Distinguish which court(s) would have jurisdiction in this scenario? Defend your response.
E. Determine how venue is decided upon. What are the implications of venue?
F. What would the venue be for this scenario? Defend why this venue is the most appropriate.
G. Explain the applicable sentencing guidelines in the federal and state judicial systems for this scenario. Defend your response.
H. Determine how sentencing guidelines impact the functionality of a court system. Defend your response.
II. Judicial Administration
A. Analyze how federal, state, and local courts calendar and docket cases. Are these processes effective in promoting efficiency? Defend your
B. Describe how the calendaring and continuance of this scenario would be handled differently in the state system versus the federal system.
Defend your response.
C. Identify the key role within federal and state judicial systems that most impacts process. How does this role aid in creating and maintaining an
efficient and effective judicial process?
D. Describe the litigation process that would be used for this scenario at the state and federal levels.
E. Explain the statute of limitations on charging and trying cases. Determine how statute of limitations could impact efficiency in the litigation
process of this case.
F. Determine the impact of venue on process efficiency in this scenario. Defend your response.
G. Explain how a four-month continuance affects the efficiency of any court under the circumstances presented in the scenario. Defend your
H. How would you balance the prosecutor and defense attorneys’ concerns regarding continuances in this scenario? Defend your response.
I. Review the discovery laws in federal court. Determine if the prosecution’s requested discovery delay violates the federal laws. Defend your
J. Would you grant the prosecution’s request (assuming that you granted the four-month continuance)? Defend your response.
Milestone One: Draft of Judicial Systems
In Module Three, you will submit a draft of the Judicial Systems section of your scenario analysis. Using your assigned reading and course materials, you will
analyze the structure of the courts and the application of principles of jurisdiction and venue to the scenario provided. Your draft should be two to three pages in
length. This milestone is graded with the Milestone One Rubric.
Milestone Two: Draft of Judicial Administration
In Module Five, you will submit a draft of the Judicial Administration section of your scenario analysis. Using your assigned reading and course materials, you will
analyze the impact of judicial administration components— calendaring and docketing, and the roles of court staff and litigation participants. Your draft should
be two to three pages in length. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.
Final Submission: Scenario Analysis
In Module Seven, you will submit your scenario analysis. It should be a complete, polished document containing all of the critical elements of the final product.
It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course, as well as include the items that were omitted from your analyses in Milestone One
and Milestone Two. The final submission will be graded using the Final Project Rubric.
Final Project Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your scenario analysis must be four to six pages in length with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and APA formatting.
Critical Elements
Judicial Systems:
Exemplary (100%)
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
description is exceptionally clear
and contextualized
Judicial Systems:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
explanation is exceptionally
clear and contextualized
Judicial Systems:
Subject Matter
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
supports claims with concrete
Proficient (85%)
Describes the hierarchical
structure for federal, state, and
local court systems, and
establishes the primary role of
Explains the primary differences
between federal and state
judicial systems and describes
the importance of having levels
Explains the subject matter
jurisdiction for federal, state,
and local courts, and states its
impact on court efficiency
Needs Improvement (55%)
Describes the hierarchical
structure for federal, state, and
local court systems, but does
not establish the primary role of
Explains the primary differences
between federal and state
judicial systems, but does not
describe the importance of
having levels
Explains the subject matter
jurisdiction for federal, state,
and local courts, but does not
address the impact of subject
matter jurisdiction on efficiency
Not Evident (0%)
Does not describe the
hierarchical structure for
federal, state, and local court
Does not explain the differences
between levels of judicial
Does not explain subject matter
jurisdiction for courts
Judicial Systems:
Judicial Systems:
Determine Venue
Judicial Systems:
Judicial Systems:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
response contains concrete
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
substantiates claims with
specific instances
Distinguishes which court would
have jurisdiction and defends
Determines how venue is
established, and describes the
implications of venue
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
substantiates claims with
specific instances
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
draws connections to real-world
Identifies venue for scenario,
and defends why venue is most
Explains sentencing guidelines
in the federal and state judicial
systems, and describes their
impact on functionality
Determines how sentencing
guidelines impact the
functionality of a court system,
and defends response
Analyzes how federal, state, and
local courts calendar and docket
cases and establishes their
impact on efficiency
Describes how the calendaring
and continuance of this case
would be handled in the state
and federal judicial systems and
defends response
Judicial Systems:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
draws connections to real-world
Calendar and Docket
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
supports claims with specific
examples from the calendar and
docket processes
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
shows nuanced understanding
of differences between the
state and federal judicial
Administration: Key
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
connects role with specific
examples from processes
Litigation Process
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
description is concise and
Identifies key role within federal
and state judicial systems, and
establishes how each aids in
maintaining an efficient and
effective judicial system
Describes the litigation process
at the state and federal level
Distinguishes which court would
have jurisdiction, but does not
defend response
Determines how venue is
established, but does not
describe the implications of
Identifies venue for scenario,
but does not defend why venue
is most appropriate
Explains sentencing guidelines
in the federal and state judicial
systems, but does not describe
their impact on functionality
Determines how sentencing
guidelines impact the
functionality of a court system,
but does not defend response
Analyzes how federal, state, and
local courts calendar and docket
cases but does not establish
their impact on efficiency
Describes how the calendaring
and continuance of this case
would be handled in the state
or federal judicial systems, but
does not defend response or
response is lacking detail or
Identifies key role within federal
and state judicial systems, but
does not establish how each
aids in maintaining an efficient
and effective judicial system
Describes the litigation process
at the state or federal level, but
not both
Does not distinguish which
court would have jurisdiction
Does not determine how venue
is established
Does not identify venue for
Does not explain sentencing
Does not determine how
sentencing guidelines impact
the functionality of a court
Does not analyze how courts
calendar and docket cases
Does not describe how the
calendaring of this case would
be handled in the state or
federal judicial systems
Does not identify key role within
federal and state judicial
Does not describe the litigation
Statute of
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
is well qualified with examples
Explains the statute of
limitations on charging and
trying cases, and determines
their impact on efficiency
Impact of Venue
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
substantiates claims with
specific instances
Determines the impact of venue
on process efficiency in this
scenario and defends response
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
qualifies connections with realworld examples
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
solution is well supported and
Identifies the effects of a
continuance on a court, explains
the impact on a court’s
efficiency, and defends
Determines how to balance
attorney concerns, explains why
chosen strategy would be
effective, and defends response
Discovery Delay
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
defense is well qualified with
specific examples
Prosecution Request
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
determination is well supported
and logical
Articulation of
Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented in
a professional and easy-to-read
Determines if the prosecution’s
requested discovery delay
violates federal laws and
defends response
Determines if prosecution’s
request should be granted and
defends response
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Explains the statute of
limitations on charging and
trying cases, but does not
address their impact on
Determines the impact of venue
on process efficiency in this
scenario, but does not defend
Identifies the effects of a
continuance on a court but does
not explain the impact on a
court’s efficiency or does not
defend response
Determines how to balance
attorney concerns but does not
explain why chosen strategy
would be effective or does not
defend response
Determines if the prosecution’s
requested discovery delay
violates federal laws but does
not defend response
Determines if prosecution’s
request should be granted, but
does not defend response
Does not explain the statute of
limitations on charging and
trying cases
Does not determine the impact
of venue on process efficiency
Does not identify the effects of
a continuance on a court
Does not determine how to
balance concerns
Does not determine if the
prosecution’s requested
discovery delay violates federal
Does not determine if
prosecution’s request should be
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
readability and articulation of
main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Earned Total
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