Intrusion detection systems and network security

User Generated




This is a term project paper, This is a research paper which should have following:

- 10 pages(Minimum),

- 12 font size,

- 1” margins,

- double-spaced

- use a minimum of one graphic (figures, tables, etc.)

Must have current APA format guide (6th Edition) for the research paper. Use spell check, grammar check, no keyboarding or grammatical errors

A cover page and a reference page are required. Make sure the cover page and reference page are also in current APA format.

Provide at-least 5 references - References should be attached at the end in APA format, need few from Cited Journals or Peer Reviewed Journals

Most Importantly, NO PLAGIARISM - Provide Plagiarism Report.

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Explanation & Answer


by Kg A

Submission date: 21-Feb-2019 08:14PM (UT C-0500)
Submission ID: 1081699486
File name: Intrusion_Detection_Systems_and_Network_Security.docx (203.77K)
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