Develop your professional goals and how you achieve them.

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MN 501

Purdue University Global


Self-Directed Learning Plan (SDLP)


It’s important to develop your professional goals and how you achieve them in this course and your chosen program.


To prepare your SDLP, complete the steps outlined below.

After exploring the course description, course outcomes, and unit themes and outcomes, complete your SDLP for your professional objectives.

What did you expect to learn in this course and what do you expect to learn in your program that will help you achieve your academic and professional goals? You are encouraged to reflect earnestly about how the course content and experience might serve your goals, as well as about what you might proactively do in throughout your program to develop in your target areas.

If you have determined there are additional areas from which you would benefit, or areas you would like to replace, this is a good time to do so. Remember, this is your learning plan, so design it to help you achieve your unique goals.

  1. Identify your anticipated nursing role.
  2. List your professional goals (3–5 years from now).
  3. Identify the Knowledge, Skills, and Accomplishments needed for the advanced nursing role that you have identified above. A minimum of three items should be listed for each of the Knowledge, Skills, and Accomplishments.
  4. Discuss at least three Strengths to Leverage. Complete steps 1, 2, and 3 of the template for Strengths to Leverage.
  5. Discuss at least one Area to Develop. Complete steps 1, 2, and 3 of the template for Areas to Develop.
  6. Write a reflection that discusses what you learned in this course and expect to learn in your program that will help you achieve your academic and professional goals. Provide an evaluation of how your SDLP can provide for lifelong learning. The reflection should be a minimum of 300 words.

You must submit the Unit 10 SDLP Assignment using the SDLP Template. You should not submit a written paper for the Unit 10 SDLP Assignment. If you have references to support your SDLP then you should add a heading References at the end of the SDLP Template and add the references in APA format. You do not need to have a title page for this assignment.

This Assignment will be graded based on evidence of thoughtful development of your SDLP.

To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.

Assignment Requirements:

Before finalizing your work, you should:

  • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
  • consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
  • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

Your writing Assignment should:

  • follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
  • be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
  • use APA 6th Edition format.


Please retrieve and read the following Journal articles from the Library. Articles can be located through a search in the CINAHL database, OVID database, Course Documents, or by using the link at the end of the reference if provided.

Qalehsari, M. Q., Khanghanizadeh, M., & Ebadi, A. (2017). Lifelong learning strategies in nursing: A systematic review. Electronic Physician, 9(10), 5541–5550.

Van Rensburg, G. H., & Botma, Y. (2015). Bridging the gap between self-directed learning of nurse educators and effective student support. Curationis, 38(2).

Library Help:

Resources to help you navigate the Library include:

  1. A direct link to the Library resources relevant to nursing is
  2. Academic Research Primer. (2018). Retrieved from
  3. Nursing and medical/health studies guide. (2012). Higher Education Corporation. Retrieved from
  4. University Library. (Producer). (2016). Introduction to the Online Library [Video file]. Available from

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Explanation & Answer

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Professional nursing goals
Your name
Instructor name
Submission date




Develop your professional goals
Nurses are usually the primary care-giver in health facilities and thus play a very
significant role in the provision of healthcare to patients. The roles of nurses usually differ
based on a nurse’s specialty and his or her working environment (Perry, Potter &
Ostendorf,2016). As a future family nurse practitioner, my anticipated role is to offer
education about raising children to young families as well as offers diagnosis and treatment
where necessary.
Goals are the driving force for every career man or woman out there. They make us
wake up and work hard every day in pursuit of their achievement and their realization. As a
nursing student, I have a have list of both current and continuing academic goals and as well
as a list of future career goals for my practice. My first and central career goal is to become a
registered nurse three to five years from now. This will be quite a big achievement as it will
give me the right to practice nursing in private and public facilities.
During my nursing career, I want to be devoted and committed to the health of my
patients and the larger community. I want to offer and implement preventive health measure
that will not only save and improve the lives of my patients but also save them avoidable
health costs. In addition, I intend to fully educate and share important and necessary health
information that will assist my patient in making more informed and better health choice with
positive outcomes.
In line with my expected three to five years’ career goals, I would also like to be a
nursing educator. This will be after getting a masters in nursing hopefully five years from
now. This will be my way of giving back as I will educate and guide nursing students into the
nursing career. This will be a chance to share my experience and motivate the young and
aspiring nurse.



In order to successfully execute my anticipated future nursing roles while saving,
touching and changing lives positively there will be a need for me to display nursing
competency. I will need to have ample and up-to-date knowledge about childhood diseases,
their diagnosis and treatment methods. This will help and assist me in diagnosing and
treatment of my patients. I will also need to have deep knowledge and understanding of
health informatics as they will help me in acquiring, retrieving, storing, and using healthcare
information and thus offer better and quality healthcare to my patients as well as collaborate
with various healthcare providers(Sipes,2018). In addition, I will also need knowledge of
how to effectively communicate with my patients. Telehealth knowledge and skills will also
be vitals as modern nursing has been integrated with technology. With telehealth online
diagnosis and treatment is also possible through online one on one video communication (van
Houwelingen, Moerman, Ettema, Kort & ten Cate, 2016).
In addition to health informatics knowledge, I will need to have health informatics
skills which will go hand-in-hand with my health informatics knowledge. As health
informatics is one of the necessities of a modern nursing practitioner. In additional
interpersonal skill will be very important as they will help me in keeping and maintain ethical
and professional communications with both my patients and my colleagues. Patient and
family education skills will also come in hand as I will need to continually and tireless
educate and gauge the progress and impact of my education on my patients and families. I
think and believe so as to be more effective I will need to own and demonstrate critical
thinking skills as this will help me in assessing situations and make life-saving and changing
decisions on the spot.
One of the major accomplishment will be successfully going through nursing school
and excelling in my exams. Another accomplishment will be the creation of a reputable
career name by offering quality service to my patients during attachments and internship



opportunities. These initial accomplishments will precede another big accomplishment of
getting a nursing license something which will give me the right to practice nursing.
My personal philosophy is that in nursing communication is core aimed at
understanding and responding to the needs of the patients and their families. This is
something that adds great push and weight to the previously noted fact that I will need
interpersonal skills and knowledge in order to successfully deliver my anticipated future
nursing role. Over the year I have grown to love my fellow human beings especially the
infants, this will add great value to my career as I believe and trust that a passion-driven
career is the best. Having come from a relatively struggling financial background I have
always believed in giving back to my community and one way of doing this will be through
accomplishing my nursing role with utmost good faith and will. This will also propel my goal
to educate and teach nursing students. I also have great control of my emotions and thus
cannot bring personal feelings into my work as this can easily affect the quality of service I
offer. I have this notion of leaving home issues at ...

Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.


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