ACC488 Belhaven Unit 6 Personal Worldview Integration Essay

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"You did not follow the instructions by answering each of the questions about worldview individually and in an organized manner. If you can resubmit this, please do so before Friday."

If you redo the worldview essay, you must follow this outline:

I. Describe your personal worldview be answering the follow questions. Each question must be numbered, labeled, and in a separate paragraph.














II Describe the Christian worldview using the sources from class and from outside sources. Answer each question in a separate labeled and numbered paragraph.














III Define the nine philosophies. Each must be labeled and numbered and in a separate paragraph.










IV Choose one of the nine philosophies and explain clearly and logically why it is the one that is the best match for your personal worldview in Part I

V References

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Worldview Integration Essay 1 Worldview Integration Essay Crystal Watkins Belhaven University Acc 418 Professor Goldsmith February 12, 2019 Worldview Integration Essay 2 Worldview integration Essay Personal Worldview It's important to understand your personal worldview, because in this way we can assess all aspects of the world around us and where we are. According to my understanding, the essence of ultimate reality is God, because it is the only reality that is supreme and has fundamental power. The physical world is defined as all space and time (collectively referred to as time and space) and it’s content. These contain all forms of energy, including electromagnetic radiation and matter, and therefore include the contents of planets, moons, stars, galaxies, and intergalactic space. Morality is the good or bad scope of action. Human history refers to the history of the entire world, that is, the history of human beings and their ancestors. This person can know everything that must pass a series of experiments. Without knowing the possibilities, I still have a belief: a belief in everything, material or abstract. Believe everything I decided to accept; this table is real, what scientists say to me, ideas, religion, our magical planet and its inhabitants. There is a good democracy in ignorance. The good and evil in modern society depends entirely on the quality of morality. Therefore, morality is the center of good and bad. I began to believe that people were exaggerated because human knowledge, human efforts, human evolution, and human society have made little success on a cosmic scale. We are a group of monkeys on the planet that we don't fully understand. My understanding of Bible study highlights the fact that we are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ who died for all our sins on the cross to save us. God is considered to be the supreme creator and creator of the universe. Life is a condition that distinguishes between flora and fauna Worldview Integration Essay 3 and inorganic matter, including growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continuous changes before death (McGrath, Alister. (2009). Christian Worldview The laws of vision logic in the Christian world are universal and immutable because they reflect the essence of the living God. How do people describe the terms God, morality and knowledge? How do conditions affect the daily lives of others? Looking for a worldview, these three components play a very important role in shaping my thinking, experience and life decisions. Through many different influences, my views on the world have been shaped and expanded in my life. My family, friends, colleagues, teachers, and even strangers have influenced my life, which has changed my perception of society and the world around me. Morality, humanity and God are the three main factors shaping my worldview, because I believe that the most powerful aspect of my view of the world is my great sense of morality. They helped me with my daily activities and responses and Morality is the foundation (Takahashi, Yuki D. (2000). I believe that the essence of the universe is the body and the spirit. Man is the higher line of mammals, and the entire universe is brought by God. In this case, I actually have established a historical Christian faith based on my fulfillment in Jesus Christ, the reliability and prophecy of the Bible. With this starting point, I think the world is created. "I did it at the face value, not only because it was written in the Bible, but also because there is too much evidence to support the hundreds of millions of stars in the universe. The Earth and the precise axis, which distribute heat and cold at any time of the year. So the two hemispheres can produce grain, the great revolution of this planet is too long or too short to perfect trading day and night. Earth's water cycle is designed to perfect the nitrogen cycle, oxygen cycle, it is the right atmosphere to cut off the earth's radiation Worldview Integration Essay 4 and debris For the creation of the world, it also meticulously rules the nature, designing our world and adjusting this order of our lives. Laws like physics and mathematics are not accidental, and the opportunity to create them is not accidental. They show the purpose, control and design. Created by supernatural Creator, the world has a clear spiritual element. Although the power of God, as stipulated by the laws of nature, can replace and replace natural law, leading to miracles and supernatural events, such as the global flood, the birth and resurrection of Jesus' virgins. In my opinion, people are a special and unique character that people own and make them different from other creatures. Others (almost) are completely human emotions such as hatred, pride, shame, jealousy, etc. Humans also have their own wisdom, that is, abstract thoughts and language. This is not just a reference to human behavior; in fact, it means that our species is not perfect. Complex, apparently imperfect, even "good and bad", also known as the human condition, such as "only talent from nature is competitive, selfish and aggressive." In this respect, we sometimes think that human nature is immutable, but this is not the case, because when one solves the basic psychological uncertainty that leads to the human condition we have problems; the transformation of human dreams is a product (Takahashi, Yuki D. (2000). For Christianity, it is possible to understand everything, because the thought of truth and knowledge begins with the existence of God. Not only God, but the only living creator, God. We can only know him because he decided to reveal himself. All of this may be based on a revelation in two forms: the absolutely correct Bible and the sacred character of Jesus Christ. God is real. God is the source of all true knowledge. And because God is immutable, Isaiah warns us that good and evil can be confused: "Worry, those who call evil good and evil, who turn dark as light, light as dark, who bitter sweet, Sweet is bitter".(Isaiah 5:20), in today's culture, good and evil in what Worldview Integration Essay 5 we think of the grid is best suited to us and our neighbors. Basically, human beings are now "God" and the power to determine our own moral standards. Christ Ian's Code of Ethics The definition of the Christian Bible is the right standard and is set by Jesus Christ. He teaches his students that it is based on two foundations: the history of the love world of God and the loved one, and the everyday language is human (or human history) history, archaeology, anthropology determination, genetics, linguistics and other disciplines, as well as inventions from writing, written history, sources and secondary research. My people are God who created them to follow certain rules, but rose to believe that religion is outdated, and God is not the highest covenant. Christian Universalists agree with the views of Calvinists and Armenians, who are born in sin and need to be saved. They also believe that Jesus Christ was saved by one person. They point out, however, that the time of judgment of sinners in hell is limited, and God uses the court to bring sinners to repentance. Christians believe that only one God is the creator and supporter of the world. They believe that God is three people: father, Son, Holy Spirit, called holy trinity. Life is a human or living animal in existence (Takahashi, Yuki D. (2000). PHILOSOPHIES Teleology Teleology is an interpretation in which the existence, appearance or nature of a phenomenon is explained by its contribution. The model of interpretation is a "pure mechanism", according to which there is only one type of thing in the world. - "Materials", only present a change, exercise. It is divided into three categories: non-realistic arguments, intentional arguments, and normative arguments. These objections stem from the beginning of modern thought in the natural world. Teleological ethical systems include: Worldview Integration Essay 1 6 Egoism An ethical theory holding that the good is based on pursuing your own interests. This word is sometimes misused for egoism and overloads its own value. Selfishness is less about what the ego is than the philosophical question of the community. They believe that pursuing perfection by promoting human well-being and welfare, however, makes him unaware of his identity and location. 2 Utilitarianism According to utilitarianism, all actions that an individual wants to make at a particular moment should aim to achieve happiness. Utilitarianism also seeks to always be morally correct so that all decisions made by individuals are acceptable in the community. It also pointed out that people should always consider doing valuable life and things that bring happiness. One must combine these ideas with action to achieve acceptable and enjoyable results. Deontology Morality (ethical ethics) is a moral approach that emphasizes the correctness or injustice of the act itself, in stark contrast to the consequences of these actions (relativism) or the correctness or dishonesty of the actor's character and habits (ethical ethics). Therefore, for the dentist, the situation depends on whether the correct action has been taken. The reason for electing "correct" is to comply with ethical standards: the law takes precedence over good. The ethical system includes: 1 Classical virtues The classical virtue often refers to the four cardinal virtues of Greek philosophy: prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance. Or if you prefer: wisdom, morality, courage, and moderation. Worldview Integration Essay 7 The cardinal virtues have remained popular as a way of interpreting ancient philosophical ethics throughout the ages. 2 Rights This operation is morally correct if the operation respects the rights of everyone (or at least all members of a particular society). This is also known as liberty, because as long as their actions do not violate the rights of others, people should have the right to get what they want. 3 Justice as fairness Justice means giving everyone what they deserve, or more traditionally, giving everyone what they deserve. Justice and justice are closely related concepts and are often used interchangeably. However, they are also better understood. Judges refer to the standard of integrity, and fairness is often used to judge ability regardless of feelings or interests, and capital is used to do justice. Decisions are not too general, but specific and specific to the case. In any case, the concept of treatment you deserve is crucial to justice and justice. Ethical Relativism Relativism is a position, and all views are equally important. Individuals decide what is true and relative. Relativism believes that truth is different for different people, not only because different people think that different things are real. In science and mathematics, ethical relativism is the most common form of relativism. Post modernism Worldview Integration Essay 8 Postmodernism is a way of trying to determine how society moves forward beyond modernity. At that time, people were more likely to be more important in scientific and rational thinking, because traditional meta-recognition no longer provided a reasonable explanation for postmodern life. In addition, postmodern society has traditionally experienced globalization, which means that new religions will be incorporated into society. Therefore, when deciding on religion, the public is more likely to experience the culture of “choice and mix” because people choose the religion that best suits their lifestyle. Choosing Philosophies I am a utilitarian. In fact, if you want to have someone else, if it helps you, you will get something good. If you make someone unhappy and don't let others be happy, you will do something wrong. For the biggest number, "The greatest happiness is that I am not a dogma, not even educated. I have to know that if it is a good way to express the final result of utilitarianism and a slogan related to utilitarianism, I think this is very useful. Because, in my opinion, this is irrelevant. Let us take Kant's morality as an example. Your moral rule is that you can only do it when you want it. How to prove this principle? He pointed out that if everyone is lying, more people will be upset. His system is based on utilitarianism. Let us now look at Christianity, the dual system: the rule is that you must obey God, but this luck will also increase. Then, if there is God, if happiness increases, Christianity will have a decent moral system. Of course, I use other ethics based on utilitarianism. If you want to be happy, you will see the attraction of utilitarianism. If people are more helpful to behavior, then more people will be satisfied. This is my unremarkable position. I don't know a better moral system, it is more attractive than utilitarianism. To some extent, other systems make people unhappy, they are bad people. As long as they are happy, they will be able to go smoothly. Worldview Integration Essay 9 The ultimate test of the moral system is whether it makes people happy. Although Bentham and Muller are the most well-known utilitarian’s, their approach is secular, and Christians may feel greater sympathy as Pastor William Perry, who revealed his attitude. Decisions can be between two ideal goals, or between two bad goals, or they can be positive or negative. In some cases, it is sufficient to establish an injury that is significantly worse than the other party, but in some cases (for example, in the allocation of resources in other situations of health care or related management), attempts to quantify may require conscious use of existing Limited resources. We want to maximize value in any situation that requires a choice. “In fact, the concept of measurement is the idea of getting more happiness among the largest number of people. I believe that in addition to being acquainted with Christianity, if established with a Christian structure, it can also help to establish a more "unified" way of Christian ethics, as it shows a connection between different moral issues. For example, imprisoning people for life is a burden on public resources, so in some cases the withdrawal of health care to effectively apply the “death penalty” may pose a threat. It is obese in its use in different contexts and it is not a formal crime. Once again, the repair tower can do tasks or assistance that are not conducive to foreign countries. This forces Christians to realize that decisions are always made. Whether people like it or not, I have not explained how to make a decision, but the utilitarian approach provides useful criteria for identifying and sighing choices. It can also help Christians speak the world because these mindsets are common in secular thoughts, or specifically, this is our "cost-benefit analysis" or indirect, like other people's parameters. You should send your child to this world. Public schools because it is in the best interests of society as a whole. They also point out that secular utilitarianism will be different because it is not based on a Christian background, so that in areas such as abortion, euthanasia Worldview Integration Essay 10 problems and stem cells can be different, Christians can: learn to have a greater impact on them. If you can prove that in the long-term, secular analysis tools are not as good as people imagined, Lynch defends Christian utilitarianism, assuming Kant's work, which is usually seen at the other end of the scope of empirical tools and problem (Mortenson, Dr. Terry (2011). This is difficult, partly because of the darkness, not only finding them in his writings. According to Dr. Watson, "These are deep water." However, it is obvious that some of Kant's statements have a taste of the tool: it others Kant and RM elements in the "moral decision” they convincingly Kant’s thoughts are compatible with quick success, although in reality, this is not a utilitarian approach. This is Kant's "Moral Metaphysics" published in 1785, the same Paley. Two great Christian writers are also interested in utilitarianism. However, since then, secular utilitarianism has been at the forefront. Writers like Halevy introduced Bentham and Mill to be interested in personal happiness, turning utilitarianism into pure selfishness. However, San Francisco's Bergara "criticizes Elliha Levi (26), carefully studying the original text, emphasizing Bentham and Muller's utilitarian abltiste thoughts. Paley realizes that morality is moving away from theology. Chrétien notes that Mr. Hume is the fourth supplement to his moral principles complained about the plans of the Modern Alliance. With the ethics of Christian theology, his reaction was to think that there would be no enough motivation for altruism "not to make people addicted to greed, revenge, awkwardness, Greed, or prevent the existence of these passions. (27) Paze believes that sanctions are the driving force of his model. If I am smarter, I can see that altruism does not exist in millions (Mortenson, Dr. Terry (2011). Worldview Integration Essay 11 References Mortenson, Dr. Terry (2011). Young-Earth Creationist View Summarized & Defended. Answers In Genesis. Retrieved from Takahashi, Yuki D. (2000). Big Bang: How Did The Universe Begin?. California Institute of Technology. McGrath, Alister. (2009). Augustine’s Origin of Species. Christianity Today. LaRocco, C. and Rothstein, B. (n.d.). The Big Bang. University of Michigan. THE WORLDVIEW PAPER: CHOOSING YOUR PHILOSOPY OF ETHICS You must follow these instructions very carefully to get a good grade on this essay! Make sure that your paper contains each and every section outlined below and that every question is fully answered. This is primarily an essay, not a research paper. Nevertheless, you will need to use the class handout Worldview Comparison Chart as a reference. Other references will also need to be used. (See Part IV). I. DESCRIBE YOUR WORLDVIEW. Describe your worldview on the following questions, using the Worldview Comparison Chart: What is the nature of ultimate reality? What is the origin of the universe and of life? What is the nature of material reality? What is the nature of humanity? What is the identity of humanity? Why is it possible to know anything at all? How do we know what is right and wrong? What is morality? What is the meaning of human history? What is wrong with the human race? How are we saved? What is the nature of God? What is the meaning of life? Your worldview does not have to be strictly from one category. II. DESCRIBE THE CHRISTIAN WORLDVIEW. Describe the Christian Worldview on the following questions, using the Worldview Comparison Chart: What is the nature of ultimate reality? What is the origin of the universe and of life? What is the nature of material reality? What is the nature of humanity? What is the identity of humanity? Why is it possible to know anything at all? How do we know what is right and wrong? What is morality? What is the meaning of human history? What is wrong with the human race? How are we saved? What is the nature of God? What is the meaning of life? You may quote the chart or use your own words, but use standard referencing techniques if you quote. However, I am expecting more than simply cut and paste. III. DEFINE THE PHILOSOPHIES DISCUSSED IN CLASS. Each philosophy should contain a definition of two to five sentences. The philosophies that you must define are: A TELEOLOGY Teleological ethical systems include: 1 EGOISM 2 UTILITARIANISM B DEONTOLOGY Deontological ethical systems include: 1 CLASSICAL VIRTUES 2 RIGHTS 3 JUSTICE AS FAIRNESS C ETHICAL RELATIVISM D POSTMODERNISM This will require nine definitions of seven philosophies (define teleology separately, although it includes egoism and utilitarianism, and define deontology separately, although it includes classical virtues, rights, and justice as fairness. 1 IV. CHOOSE YOUR PHILOSOPHY. Based on your worldview as described in Part I, choose one of the seven philosophies listed in Part II. Select the one that is most compatible with your values and beliefs. This philosophy should guide you in your career as an accountant and enable you to make moral and ethical choices that are compatible and consistent with your worldview. Explain carefully why you choose this philosophy. You should cite relevant source materials: If your worldview is naturalism, cite naturalistic or rationalistic philosophers. If your worldview is postmodern, cite postmodern or deconstructionist philosophers. If your worldview is animism, cite shamans or new age philosophers. If your worldview is eastern, cite eastern philosophers or gurus. If your worldview is Jewish, cite a Jewish philosopher, the Tanakh, or the Talmud. If your worldview is Muslim, cite the Quran, hadith, or Islamic philosophers. If your worldview is theistic, cite theistic philosophers. If your worldview is deistic, cite deistic philosophers. If your worldview is Christian, cite the Bible and Christian philosophers. If your worldview came from multiple categories, you may need to cite multiple sources. If you don’t know where to find sources to support your philosophy, come to me for help. It may indicate that you haven’t clearly yet thought through your worldview. V. LIST OF SOURCES. Any source you used to write the paper, whether or not you quoted from it, should be listed here. Follow the directions given in your research paper assignment. The grading rubric A detailed rubric is in the handout entitled Rubric Spreadsheet Integration Paper. 2 1 WORLDVIEW COMPARISON CHART Based on data from: Direct quotes from that web document are indicated by the Calibri font. Also based on data from: Cells in italics are based on that website. QUESTION What is the nature of ultimate reality? (Ultimate Reality) NATURALISM/ RATIONALISM The only thing that exists is material matter POSTMODERNISM ANIMISM/ (deconstruc- SHAMANISM tionism) The only thing that exists is material matter Also based on data from: which is indicated by using the Arial font. FAR EASTERN THOUGHT (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.) THEISM THEISM THEISM JUDAISM ISLAM CHRISTIANITY The universe contains both material and immaterial parts. Spirits There is one Impersonal, exist in a personal, separate place Pantheistic, infinite, from physical Monistic (The transcenuniverse is beings, but dent God the same as they interact who is God or the with each Creator and gods). other in a Sustainer. symbiotic relationship. There is one There is one infinite and trans- personal, infinite, cendent transcendent God God who who is Creator is Creator and Sustainer. and Sustainer. DEISM There is one infinite God who was Creator. 2 QUESTION ORIGIN NATURALISM/ RATIONALISM Accidental. Life occurred as a random event. The force driving the differential forms of life is nature (the environment). POSTMODERNISM ANIMISM/ (deconstruc- SHAMANISM tionism) Accidental. FAR EASTERN THOUGHT (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.) THEISM THEISM THEISM JUDAISM ISLAM CHRISTIANITY No Both the beginning physical and point; life spiritual worlds has always exist as the existed. creation of an The physical Intelligent world is an Designer illusion, obscuring [design the "spiritual Basically Basically demands a the force" that is the same Designer]. in every same as Humans and all as Christiphysically Christilife forms anity. existing anity. were uniquely thing. That universal and individually force is formed with the responsible capacity of each for all life, species to which is reproduce itself constantly "after its kind" being recycled. only. DEISM God created the universe and natural physical laws, but has not done anything since then. 3 QUESTION NATURALISM/ RATIONALISM What is the Matter is eternal nature of and what exists is material reality? the result of the (Material eternal operation Reality) of natural laws. What is a human being? (Humanity) Complex biological machines. POSTMODERNISM ANIMISM/ (deconstruc- SHAMANISM tionism) Reality is what you believe. Complex biological machines. Matter is permeated by spirits FAR EASTERN THOUGHT (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.) Impersonal, illusory, Seeking oneness. THEISM THEISM THEISM JUDAISM ISLAM CHRISTIANITY DEISM The The material material world world was was created created intenintentionally by tionally God. by God. The material world was created intentionally by God. The material world was created intentionally by God. Material Personality creatures and A special who inhabit individu- creation of the physical ality are God— world [who] illusions. A souls who are body have a life force and spirit. spiritual seeking core. oneness. A special creation of God A special creation whose of God created in essence God's image to A special creation is Spirit. have fellowship of God whose People with God, but essence is Spirit. are fallen into ruinous weak, sin. but not inherently sinful. 4 QUESTION IDENTITY What happens to a person at death? (Death) NATURALISM/ RATIONALISM POSTMODERNISM ANIMISM/ (deconstruc- SHAMANISM tionism) Evolved animal. Humanity represents the most advanced and specialized animal that has Humanity is developed in the an animal evolutionary species, no process. more Abstract important reasoning skills than any have poised hum other species. ans to be the animal most likely to survive because of developed high adaptability skills. The individual The individual life life form ceases form ceases to exist. to exist. FAR EASTERN THOUGHT (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.) Life is god. All living things are part of that universal force and, thus, part of the force known to some as god or the One. The individual's spirit enters the spiritual dimension. THEISM THEISM THEISM JUDAISM ISLAM CHRISTIANITY DEISM Imago Dei" ("in God's image") Human beings alone were created after the likeness of the Creator, supirior [sic] to all other living things, having eternal existence, and placed in "dominion" over all creation. Humans alone are allowed to enter into a relationship with the Creator. The grave is the end of The life force The translife. OR: recycles ferring of The transferring of The (reincarnates) life to Heaven or to life to transferring Paradise into another Hell. of life to or to Hell. form. heaven or hell. The transferring of life to Heaven. 5 QUESTION DESTINY NATURALISM/ RATIONALISM Annihilation. When death occurs, the essential elements that came to be combined in the individual, are reduced to their most basic form and recycled by nature into other (living or non-living) forms. POSTMODERNISM ANIMISM/ (deconstruc- SHAMANISM tionism) Annihilation. It isn't Why is it A chance possible to possible to know happening really know anything. anything at all? because of a high (Knowledge) level of evolution. There is no truth. FAR EASTERN THOUGHT (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.) Reincarnation. The life force of all things is recycled. Through multiple attempts or trials, all life is ultimately progressing Various views toward perfect harmony with the universal force. Attempts or cycles are unlimited (reincarnation) until that unity is reached. THEISM THEISM THEISM JUDAISM ISLAM CHRISTIANITY Various views God created Knowledge humans with the Assumed to is an ability to exist and illusion. know. known by Nothing Truth is observation. exists as it revealed in appears. the Tanakh and Creation. Eternity. Being made in the imago dei also implies eternal existence. Humans only are eternal in nature which supercedes the Final physical body. The judgment Creator has determined and established eternal reward for those who obey Him and eternal punishment for those who do not. DEISM Various views God created humans God created with the humans with the God created ability ability to know. humans with the to know. Truth is revealed ability to know. Truth is in the Bible and in revealed Creation. in the Quran. 6 QUESTION How do we know what is right and wrong? (Morality) What is wrong with the human race? (Sin) NATURALISM/ RATIONALISM Decided by individuals or social groups. POSTMODERNISM ANIMISM/ (deconstruc- SHAMANISM tionism) There is no morality. Just don't hurt anyone else. FAR EASTERN THOUGHT (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.) THEISM THEISM THEISM JUDAISM ISLAM CHRISTIANITY The cosmos is perfect at every God moment. revealed Good and Based on right and evil are an wrong in experience. illusion. the Search Tanakh. your heart for what's right. We are We are We don't isolated from We are trapped in a We haven't obey the each other in beset by cycle of evolved enough. Law of our own evil spirits. reincarnatio Moses. little realities. n. God revealed right and wrong God revealed in the right and wrong Quran in the Bible and in and the the person of Hadith. Christ. Society must follow Shari’a. People are weak and need an Islamic government to force them to behave. DEISM Look wherever you want to. We have a natural The evils of inclination to sin society need to be (wanting to please overcome through ourselves instead social change. of God). 7 QUESTION MORALITY NATURALISM/ RATIONALISM POSTMODERNISM ANIMISM/ (deconstruc- SHAMANISM tionism) Survival of the fittest or most capable. Morality is utilitarian with no set standards Imposed on except those people by imposed by their nature. Behaviors and cultures; no thinking are objective primarily truths to centered upon them. what will assist the individual in enjoyment of life, avoidance of pain or displeasure, and survivability. Various views FAR EASTERN THOUGHT (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.) THEISM THEISM THEISM JUDAISM ISLAM CHRISTIANITY Seek unity with all life (force).The individual seeks to come into harmony with the Found in force and the Torah to throw off and it is the applied by limitations in the and Talmud. illusions of physical existence and, in the process, to gain enlightenment. DEISM The Creator establishes the rules. The Creator determined the Found standards for in the Generally accepts "right and Quran the morals wrong," "moral and immoral." and in inherited from Standards for Shari’a Christianity Law. behavior and life are external in origin and are discovered as one comes into relationship with the Creator. 8 QUESTION What is the meaning of human history (History) NATURALISM/ RATIONALISM POSTMODERNISM ANIMISM/ (deconstruc- SHAMANISM tionism) A linear There is no A linear meaning to progression progression of history; it's a of events series of events without without random special meaning. special events. meaning. FAR EASTERN THOUGHT (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.) THEISM THEISM THEISM JUDAISM ISLAM CHRISTIANITY A linear succession of events that began Time is an with God's illusion. creation Time and is moves in moving cycles. toward fulfilling his purposes. DEISM A linear succesA linear sion of succession of events events that began that A linear with God's began succession of with creation and is God's moving toward events that began creation with God's fulfilling his and is purposes through creation. moving the death, toward resurrection, and fulfilling return of Christ. his purposes. 9 QUESTION How are we saved? (Salvation) NATURALISM/ RATIONALISM POSTMODERNISM ANIMISM/ (deconstruc- SHAMANISM tionism) Through There is no education, salvation or science, and hope. further evolution. By appeasing the spirits through rituals and sacrifices. FAR EASTERN THOUGHT (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.) By becoming one with the universe. THEISM THEISM THEISM JUDAISM ISLAM CHRISTIANITY By obeying the Law of Moses and affiliating with God's covenant people, Israel. DEISM On Judgment Day, one's good deeds will be weighed against By grace alone one's through faith Everyone will be evil alone in Christ saved because deeds. 5 alone. True they are basically required Christians obey good. Except deeds: Christ out of love, maybe people like confesnot as a means to Hitler. sing salvation. Allah and Mohammed; prayer; fasting; pilgrimage; and alms. 10 QUESTION What is the nature of God? NATURALISM/ RATIONALISM God is the imagination of ignorant, superstitious people. POSTMODERNISM ANIMISM/ (deconstruc- SHAMANISM tionism) FAR EASTERN THOUGHT (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.) THEISM THEISM THEISM JUDAISM ISLAM CHRISTIANITY There is Buddhists believe in one God, many gods, whose but not in a name ‫יהוה‬ Creator. must not Hindus be probelieve in nounced, one Divine You are the There are who is the Power, god of your many spirits manifested Creator own reality. and ghosts. through and different Lawgiver avatars. and made Taoists believe in the a special yin and yang covenant forces of with nature. Israel. DEISM There is one God, Allah, who has There is one God, no partwho eternally ners. consists of three God created the He persons: Father, universe and then spoke Son, and Holy left us on our through Spirit, who own. the prointervenes in phets, human history. the last of whom is Mohammed. 11 QUESTION MEANING NATURALISM/ RATIONALISM To survive and thrive. Enjoyment of life is the goal with the individual deciding what gives meaning to life as an individual experience. POSTMODERNISM ANIMISM/ (deconstruc- SHAMANISM tionism) There is no meaning to life. FAR EASTERN THOUGHT (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.) Seek unity with all life (force). The individual seeks to come into harmony with the force and to throw off the limitations and illusions of the physical existence and, in the process, to gain enlightenment. THEISM THEISM THEISM JUDAISM ISLAM CHRISTIANITY Relationship with the Creator. The meaning of life is to seek relationship with the Creator according to the plan He has established, as a part of what, and the reason for why, He created. DEISM 12 QUESTION What is the chief end of man? NATURALISM/ RATIONALISM POSTMODERNISM ANIMISM/ (deconstruc- SHAMANISM tionism) FAR EASTERN THOUGHT (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.) THEISM THEISM THEISM JUDAISM ISLAM CHRISTIANITY The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. See http://www.creeds. net/reformed/West minster/shorter_ca techism.html DEISM A catechism is a list of questions and answers used to teach a church’s children or new members what the church believes.
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Worldview Integration Essay1

Worldview Integration Essay
Crystal Watkins
Belhaven University
Acc 418
Professor Goldsmith
February 12, 2019

Worldview Integration Essay2
Worldview integration Essay
Personal Worldview
It's important to understand your personal worldview because in this way we can assess
all aspects of the world around us and where we are.
1. Ultimate Reality
According to my understanding, the essence of ultimate reality is God, because it is the
only reality that is supreme and has fundamental power. Morality is a good or bad scope of
2. Origin
We are a group of monkeys on the planet that we don't fully understand. God is
considered to be the supreme creator and creator of the universe.
Human history refers to the history of the entire world, that is, the history of human beings and
their ancestors. This person can know everything that must pass a series of experiments.
3. Material Reality
The physical world is defined as all space and time (collectively referred to as time and
space) and it’s content. These contain all forms of energy, including electromagnetic radiation
and matter, and therefore include the contents of planets, moons, stars, galaxies, and intergalactic
4. Humanity
I believe that we are created as special creatures of God that have a purpose that is in accordance
with God's will. We have to live in God's commands for us to be able to achieve the purpose that
God has set forth for us.
5. Identity

Worldview Integration Essay3
My understanding of Bible study highlights the fact that we are saved by the blood of
Jesus Christ who died for all our sins on the cross to save us.
6. Death
I believe that at death, the spirit transcends to a higher place where it is judged. At the moment
of judgment, the spirit goes to heaven or hell. Meanwhile, the body is left on earth where it
continues to provide sustenance for life here on earth.
7. Destiny
Life is a condition that distinguishes between flora and fauna and inorganic matter,
including growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continuous changes before death
(McGrath, 2009). After death, we take the same process by becoming food for the sustenance of
life on earth.
8. Knowledge
Without knowing the possibilities, I still have a belief: a belief in everything, material
or abstract. Believe everything I decided to accept; this table is real, what scientists say to me,
ideas, religion, our magical planet, and its inhabitants. I began to believe that people were
exaggerated because of human knowledge, human efforts, human evolution, and human society
have made little success on a cosmic scale.
9. What is right and wrong
There is a good democracy in ignorance. This ignorance is removed by societal
teachings. The good and evil in modern society depends entirely on the quality of morality.
Therefore, morality is the center of good and bad. The good and bad are very clear and that the
person has to make a choice. There may be inherent weaknesses in man that may hinder the
decision but the person has to strive to make a good choice.

Worldview Integration Essay4
10. Sin
Sin is a result of the desire to want more than we need. As such, people will be greedy and this
will lead to other acts such as adultery, theft, and murder among others. These evil acts that
result are a sin.
11. Morality
The line between right and wrong was decided at the beginning of life when God created all.
The rules for right and wrong were passed to the first human beings and have been passed from
generation to generation. Over the generations, the rules have been adapted to meet the societal
conditions. These adaptations are inspired by God by having a close relationship with him.
12. History
Human history is there to teach man kind of the mistakes that have been made in the past in
order to avoid the same mistakes. This is possible by being open-minded which is enabled by
following the progressive history of man since creation by God. This creation was followed by
man’s sinful paths which led to God de...

Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.


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