Sexuality and Freedom discussion

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Debate 2.2 Group Presentation #1 on the chapter, "Are Limits on Free Speech Ever Justified" Chang Bo and partner will post by a date to be determined, and classmates should respond to the Debate 2.2 classmate response by the following week.

  1. On this discussion board, Chang Bo and Ashlee Petersen will present on a topic from "Are Limits on Free Speech Ever Justified" by Sun. 2/17. They will post their presentation and discussion questions for the class. The presenters, or I, will post the statement, or proposition, that they have chosen to work on. Each presenter will post the equivalent of 1.5 pages on their position, labelled "pro" (for) or "con" against their chosen statement. After reading their opponent's statement, the presenters should post their rebuttal (response and attempt to argue against) their opponent's presentation and a discussion question for the class, labelled "rebuttal and discussion question."
  1. Students, you are required write a paragraph response to the debate and send it to the debate 2.2 assignment by Sunday 2/24 (don't post it here on the discussion board, which will just be for the presenters). First, before reading the debate, note if you are for or against the statement. Then note if your position changed or remained the same after you read the debate. Give any insights on the debate or debate topic.
  1. After I read students' paragraph responses to the debate, I'll send summary on Canvas mail.
  1. Presenters, after I post the summary and send it to you, post a paragraph about your experience doing the debate and your reaction to my summary to the debate 2.2 dropbox. You'll have a week to complete the assignment.

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