EDUC701 LIBERTY Effects Of Children Bullying In Today's Society

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Children Bullying
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Paul Huljich. (2012). Bullying in Today's Society. Retrieved from news aired through PRNewswire on May 18, 2012, at 9: 00 ET
covered one of the hottest topics blocking cultural nerves in the United States today. According

to the author, “the world has become a bit of bullying place and we become victims when we set
boundaries.” Paul starts by defining what is bullying, ways to cope with bullying and developing
resilience and self-confidence to avoid chances of getting trauma and help people, especially
children, channel their lives towards a harmonious place. He continues to cover disturbing
statistics of bullying in the United States workplaces. Here, it has been studied 37% of all 54
million workers have been bullied in office and repeatedly mistreated according to Zogby
International Survey, 2007. Lastly, Paul covers bullying and cyberbullying in schools. 25% of
American kids have been bullied and in most cases, almost every person experienced
cyberbullying in peer groups. He once more explores the topic of bullying and its effects on kids.
He suggests 44% of children aged 10-14 years are likely to develop PTSD or even death as a
LeBlanc, J. C. (2001). Bullying: It’s not just a school problem. Paediatrics &
Child Health, 6(7), 411.
According to LeBlanc, bullying is not just a school problem but a societal problem. The
study opens with a series of hypothesis which guides through the study. This also explores the
topic of cyber of bullying, definition, nature and how the activity comes along. Blanc says that



disagreements among children are the cause of all the consequences. The main bullying elements
are power imbalance, negative intent, and repetition. According to self-report data in Ontario and
Toronto schools in 1991, 20% of respondents reported twice or thrice bullying each team, 74%
reported kick or hit, 8% reported a weekly bully, 23% teased while 9% reported threats, confined
and suffering. In this study, victims are often rejected in peer groups and thus suffer
psychological consequences often leading to school drop. Thus, several longitudinal studies have
charted ways to understand the antecedents of bullying. After this, effective school-based
interventions can be established to work out the problem. Lastly, the study covers the need to
establish long term interventions and reasoned out public policies for bullying and aggression.
Ubelacker, S. (2018). Why do...

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