Montaigne (French Philosopher)

User Generated




Choose one key virtue French Philosopher Michel de Montaigne extols in his essays and expand upon the idea. Be detailed. What value does it have to the individual? To society as a whole? Quote and cite the text to illustrate your points.

Be sure to provide quotes from the relevant work to illustrate and prove your points, use MLA citation in the paragraph and in the separate Works Cited page.


Response should be 300 words long, using correct grammar and spellcheck. No plagiarism. TurnInReport is required.

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Explanation & Answer


Surname 1
Montaigne (French Philosopher)
In his essays, one of the essential virtues that Montaigne praises is morality. According to
Montaigne & Screech even though Montagne advocated for a reason as a source of knowledge,
he also admitted that reason to an extent had particular limitations (52). In his attempts to show
how human reason had limitations, Montagne argued that reason cou...

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