Major Assignment - Eyewitness Identification
Scenario: You are a defense attorney and an eyewitness to the crime in question has given testimony identifying your client as the culprit. Given what you know about effortful vs. automatic encoding, state-dependent and mood-congruent memory, interference, and the constructive nature of memory (including misinformation, imagination, and source amnesia effects), how would you challenge the validity and reliability of that eyewitness testimony? What arguments would you use to confront the witness in your cross-examination?
Step 1:. Read ONE of the following four research articles and summarize the article's predictions (hypotheses), methods, and findings.
Step 2: Answer the questions in the Scenario above. Use the research article you've chosen, as well as material from the rest of this lesson, to support your conclusions.
Research Article #1: Misinformation Effect
Research Article #2: Flashbulb memories
Research Article #3: How accurate are our memories of 9/11?
Research Article #4: Eyewitness identification
Your brief summary and evaluation of the reliability of eyewitness testimony (integrating the above-mentioned issues) should be 2-3 pages (double-spaced, 1-inch margins, 12-point font). See the "More About the Eyewitness Identification Assignment" page and the "Eyewitness Identification APA Checklist" for more resources and information. Submit your write-up in the "Major Assignment - Eyewitness Identification" Assignment Tool.
Be sure to check the course Calendar for due dates.
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Major Assignment:
Eyewitness Identification
Student’s Name
Eyewitness Identification
Part I: Article Summary
Arkowitz and Lilienfeld (2010)’s article on “Why Science Tells Us Not to Rely on
Eyewitness Accounts” predicts that eye-witnesses can sometimes be wrong, and in some cases,
more than one eye witness may have similar biases leading to false witnessing and sometimes
the conviction of innocent people from a police lineup. The research method used is a metaanalysis. Literature review seems to be the main method, given that at the end of the article, the
author mentions that there was an original form of an article which was entitled “Do the “eyes”
have it?” The fact that the information is collected from the original research makes it a
literature review. The original article was also a literature review since it brings in case law and
some other literature, including the literature review of case law, statements th...