Agent based modeling discussion

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Describe agent based modeling

Why did you choose agent based modeling

An example of how agent bsaed modeling is used in the organizations

Benefits and challenges of using the Agent based modeling in organizations.

Future outlook and recommended changes that can help agent based modeling for organizations.

Include references. No plagiarism

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Explanation & Answer



Agent-based modeling
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Agent-based modeling

Agent-based modeling (ABM) is a method used in research that utilizes a particular kind
of computer programs to represent social behaviors. ABM enables researchers to create, analyze
and test models composed of agents interacting with a given environment (Bonabeau, 2002). It's
among the research methods existing in sociology and is applicable throughout the discipline.
Researchers from different subjects like economics, sociology, computer science, evolutionary
biology, and managerial science have played a significant role in developing the methods of
ABMs. ABM is a category of computational models used for simulating the interactions and
actions of autonomous agents including individuals or organizations with an aim of assessing
their impact on the entire system. It combines several elements of computational sociology,
game theory, multi-agent systems, complex systems, and evolutionary programming. In ecology,
ABMs are also referred to as Individual-based models (IBMs). The shift in computing languages
over the last few years to object-oriented programming has made ABM become more reasonable
and easy to implement in representing various phenomena in the world (Bonabeau, 2002).
ABM description
ABMs consist of interacting dynamic rule-based agents. The system where the
interaction of these agents occurs can represent real-world complexity. Computer programs
allow encoding of the agents’ responsive behavior and location in algorithmic form. Most agentbased models consist of agent granularity, that is, the specification of numerous agents at various
scales, decision-making heuristics, adaptive processes or learning rules, a topology for



interaction and lastly an environment. The agents may, in some cases, be considered as
purposeful and intelligent. For instance, in ecology agents may be trees in a forest. The trees may
not be viewed as intelligent but they may be purposeful considering the ability to optimize access
to the water resource (Macy, 2002). This modeling process can be described as inductive. The
modeler or researcher makes the most suitable assumptions relevant to the situation under
investigation and watches the emerging phenomena from agents’ interactions. The result might
be equilibrium or an emergent pattern. Many models focus on the system’s strength, that is, the
adaptation of complex systems to internal and external pressure in order to maintain
Conceptual model
In all researches, the investigator must first have a clear definition of the question(s) of
interest. Researchers mostly rely on mental models related to the mechanisms and components
relevant to the subject of the investigation or the topic of interest. These models...

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