Rhetorical Analysis of Three Printed Ads using Logical Fallacies

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Writing and analysis of three printed ads using Logical Fallacies in essay.

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and ICS Hasty Generalization- miek iudgment made of people, places or things without giving full thought Rhetorical Analysis of 3 Advertisements We have conducted an analysis of printed ads. You have examined argument goals and the persuasive strategies used to sell a product. While reviewing Logical Fallacies you have learned how it is possible to create persuasive appeals that defy logical reasoning. While reviewing Needs and Values you have learned how advertisements convince us their products are necessary. And while reviewing various advertisements you have learned to identify tricks and gimmicks designed to persuade the casual observer. Be sure to revisit these same points of discussion in your analysis of three ads that share similar argument goals and or persuasive strategies even though they are not selling the same products. Also include an analysis of how the common strategies used in your ads relate to their overall persuasive appeal You will be required to find points of similarity and explain how the ads relate to each other in a rhetorical context. Remember that the ads cannot be for the same products. You must compare printed ads for products that are completely different from each other. Include a printed copy of your advertisements with your essay. 3 pages MLA Formatted A works cited page must be included Enough trading? EAT RIGHT FOR THEM. THEY'LL STAY RIGHT FOR YOU. WORLD KIDNEY DAY March It Fortis English 124 Outline Essay Logical Fallacies what fallacies? There are many difference and similarity in the images. 1. Members of the body. a) The shoe image contains the tongue. Good b) The chair in the picture with Nike sign does not have a seat which refers to butt. c) The broccoli image refers to the lung. 2. All images indicate health. a) The shoe in the picture indicates fatigue and effort. ad Also poob b) The chair in the pictures with Nike sign refers to sport activity. c) The broccoli image refers to eat healthy. If I combine all the pictures together, it shows the steps of having a good body health. The chair in the picture with Nike sign said that do not seat and do your exercise, the shoes picture said make a great effort when you exercise, and the broccoli image said if you exercise, you will eat a healthy food. excellent start - Now pick a categories mentioned to further argue the similarity of your ads the prompt in (maybe one of maslow's Categories)
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Explanation & Answer


Rhetorical Analysis of Three Printed Ads – Outline

Level Similarities in the Ads


Persuasive Strategies of the Advertisers


The Connotative Meanings of the Adverts


The Appeal to Physiological Needs of Prospective Consumers

Surname 1
Rhetorical Analysis of Three Printed Ads
Advertisers depend on the visual representation of the ideas and messages that their products
contain to persuade consumers of their value when purchased by them. While some advertising
firms go the optimal way that is characterized by the use of great words and different images to
convey their information, other rely on the minimalist approach to achieve the same purpose
from their communication with the target audience. People look at the color theme, fonts,
intensity of the images and often wonder the essence of their use by the company, which is not
surprising since most are not advertising practitioners. In most cases, visuals serve as useful
marketing communication tools that connotes the value of the brands and persuade the target
consumers to part with their money. Therefore, visual images are used to deliver information to
target customers of a company, convince them of their superiority over competitors, and the
brand's contribution to their human needs. The rhetorical analysis of the three printed ads that
were selected for this paper showed similarities that demonstrated the effective use of logical
fallacies that made them persuasive artifacts for meeting the physiological needs of the
Similarities in the Ads
Nike's seatless park bench, Eqdom's shoe, and Fortis' "eat right for them" campaign consist of
similarities that connote the same meaning to prospective consumers even though the products
are from different organizations. One of the similarities between these products is evident in their
representation of different parts of the human body and the visualization of the messages that
they convey to the viewers. In this regard, the examination of the upper portions of the broccoli
images in the Fortis ad campaign showed that it is shaped like the human lungs, which...

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