The effect of temperature change on enzymatic activity

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Explanation & Answer



The effect of temperature change on enzymatic activity
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An enzyme is a protein that catalyzes specific chemical reactions. Enzymes are
responsible for several biochemical reactions in the human body and are vital for the survival of
humanity. Denaturation can also occur due to high temperature, acidic or basic pH, or increase in
the concentration of ions. Enzymes catalyze several chemical reactions in the body including
digestion of food. In this experiment, we examine the enzyme amylase which catalyzes starch to
produce maltose. Research questions: - how will temperature change affect the enzymatic
activity of amylase? The hypothesis of the experiment is: - As the temperature increases, the
enzymatic activity of amylase increases.
Materials and methods
Materials:- 7 test tubes, ethanol acid, IKI, spectrophotometer, organic starch solution, iodine
solution, clock, dropper.
7 test tubes were prepared by adding starch and drops of iodine to the each of the seven test
tubes provided which were then vortexed and placed t specific temperatures. The samples were
incubated for 20 minutes after which 1ml of acid ethanol was added and then the seven samples
were vortexed. 3 drops of IKI were added and the samples vortexed again. The samples were
then allowed to reach room temperature for about 10-20 minutes and then vortexed. The light
transmittance of samples 1-6 were measured using the spect...

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