Why is it important for firms to consider cost of capital when making decisions to invest in long-term projects? Explain what sources of funds should be considered in computing weighted average cost of capital (WACC) and why it is important to consider WACC rather than the cost of just one source of financing. Provide an example of a major investment by your employer, or a large firm in Saudi Arabia you are familiar with, and explain what factors were probably considered in establishing a required rate of return on the investment and why.
Search for an academic or industry-related article. Select an article that relates to cost of capital and doing business in Saudi Arabia.
For your discussion post, your first step is to summarize the article in two paragraphs describing what you think are the most important points made by the authors (remember to cite the information, as appropriate).
Be sure to support your statements with logic and argument
citing all sources referenced and inside the text.
APA style academic writing
6-8 paragraphs include ( introduction - body - conclusion )

Explanation & Answer

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Discussion ON Cost of Capital
Student’s Name
Course Title
Professor’s Name
March 14, 2019
Importance of cost of capital investing in long term projects
Cost of capital can be defined as simply the amount paid as interest to secure a loan from
banks or other credit finance institutions.
Cost of capital is important in considering investment in long term projects because it
maximizes the value of the firm as the firm minimizes the cost of capital average to prevent the
business from unwanted financial risks. It is used in determining the capital budget of the project
such that it helps the management in the allocation of investment funds effectively. Also, it is
used in d...