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hello, help fix my english and grammar and there have two essay. make sure everything info there. let me know asap. thanks.


hello, help fix my english and grammar and there have two essay. make sure everything info there. let me know asap. thanks.


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Clinical Field Experience A: Group Learning Environments Technique Part 1: Observation Grade Level: Description of Group Learning Activity: Describe the setting: Warm and inviting? Cold and strict? Describe the environment of the classroom. Organized. Seating arrangement. Visuals. Is this is a place where students can stay on task? Why or why not? Describe elements that indicate it is a learning environment. © 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Describe the focus of the room. Is the focus on the students? How does the room contribute to student motivation/engagement? Describe any distractions in the room that would interfere with focused learning. Describe the room’s décor. Is it ageappropriate? Part 2: Reflection © 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Group Learning Environments Students learn in a variety of settings and environments. Group learning creates an environment of engagement and motivation. It gives students a chance to learn from each other in a cooperative learning setting. Part 1: Classroom Design For this assignment, you will create and design your own classroom using an online classroom design tool. Your design should focus on group and cooperative learning in the classroom environment and include: • • • The layout of the classroom. Where the desks/tables will be placed to facilitate group learning. Where the technology will be located so students with diverse needs have equitable access. Part 2: Group Learning Reflection In 500-750 words, identify effective engagement and motivation strategies that promote student learning and describe how you will incorporate group learning techniques into your future teaching practices. Describe how these techniques will help students understand the classroom expectations and procedures and how to work productively. In your reflection, address: • • • • • • Grade level, content area, and rationale as to why your classroom design is conducive to group learning. Description of the classroom setting and focus of the room. Description of the strategies to foster organization. How group learning activities help students work productively and promote students’ growth and development. How to communicate effectively with students with diverse needs, including language barriers and cultural differences. How you will use these engagement strategies in your future professional practice. Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly resources. Submit the classroom layout and reflection as one deliverable. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Clinical Field Experience A: Group Learning Environments Allocate at least 2 hours in the field to support this field experience. Part 1: Observation For this field experience, spend time in an elementary classroom, grade K-8, observing a group learning activity and collaborating with your mentor teacher. Coordinate with your mentor teacher to determine the best time to observe a group learning activity. As you are observing, complete the "Group Learning Environment Technique" template. Part 2: Collaboration Following your observation, collaborate with your mentor teacher to learn more about the group learning techniques implemented in the classroom. Below is a list of questions to discuss: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How do you create an environment conducive to group learning activities? What behavior situations arise during group learning activities? How do you deal with behavior situations during group learning activities? How do you set the expectations for group learning activities? What strategies are the most beneficial when managing group learning activities? Ask two additional questions of your own. Part 3: Reflection In 250-500 words, summarize and reflect on your observation and collaboration in your mentor teacher's classroom. Discuss the classroom environment and why it is conducive to group and cooperative learning, expectations, and student engagement. Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Document the locations and hours you spend in the field on your Clinical Field Experience Verification Form. Submit the Clinical Field Experience Verification Form to LoudCloud in the last topic. Directions for submitting can be found on the College of Education site in the Student Success Center. Rubric Read Chapter 2 and 7. URL: Read "Generation Z, Meet Cooperative Learning," by Igel and Urquhart, from Middle School Journal (2012). URL: &db=ehh&AN=73183517&site=ehost-live&scope=site Read “G-R-O-U-P W-O-R-K Doesn’t Spell Collaboration,” by Quinn, from Phi Delta Kappan (2013). URL: 03962&site=ehost-live&scope=site Path Filter Instructional Units • Course Materials • Topic 1: Relationship Betw... • • Study Materials Tasks o Student Engagement Stra... o Topic 1: Discussion Que... o Topic 1: Discussion Que... • Topic 2: Learning Environments • Study Materials o Classroom Management fo... o Generation Z, Meet Coop... o G-R-O-U-P W-O-R-K Doesn... o 21 Simple Ideas to Impr... o Cooperative Learning Ti... o Classroom Architect o Group Learning Environm... • Tasks o Group Learning Environm... o Clinical Field Experien... o Topic 2: Discussion Que... o Topic 2: Discussion Que... • • • • Topic 3: Safe and Producti... Topic 4: Valuing and Incor... Topic 5: Communications in... Topic 6: Using Technology 21 Simple Ideas to Improve Student Motivation Read “21 Simple Ideas to Improve Student Motivation,” located on the TeachThought website. URL: Read “Cooperative Learning Tips and Techniques,” by Cox, located on the ThoughtCo website. URL: Explore the Classroom Architect website. URL:
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Group learning environments
Part 1: Classroom design

Part 2: Group-learning reflection
The classroom design aims at supporting group learning for Grade 5 students for such areas like
social studies. The classroom is conducive for the group learning for various reasons. Some of the
ideas are that this classroom design allows physical space which enables students to cooperate and
interact with one another thus creating a positive classroom culture. The classroom setting which
will enable students to sit together around a table in groups of four makes it easier for the instructor
to be able to meet each of their needs.

To a greater extent, it is crucial for the teacher to incorporate motivation and engagement strategies
to ensure full participation among all students and to promote their learning and understanding of
various subjects. While motivating students may not be an easy task it is essential that the teacher
makes efforts to encourage student engagement since it determines the success of a student and
learning outcomes. One of the motivating strategies that a teacher may use is recognizing a child’s
mental and Physical ability and then working towards enhancing it. For instance, the teacher may
engage students in activities that might seem relaxing but can physically challenge the student
(Burden, 2000). This technique will not only help in motivating the students but also it will help
teachers alleviate stress which will, in turn, create a peaceful learning environment and a healthy
teacher-student relationship.
Another strategy that a teacher may use to motivate his students and engage t hem in learning
activities is maintaining a diverse classroom environment. It is essential that a teacher manages a
diverse classroom environment that can accommodate students from different ethnic backgrounds
and all gender sexuality. Further, this kind of environment enables all students to develop a sense
of belonging, be comfortable in the classroom as they feel needed and appreciated and be able to
participate freely without fear of being disc...

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