Heroin Drug Discussion

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This is a very general paper covering all the aspects about heroin drug. Start it very general by mentioning all the aspects of the drug, history of the drug, chemistry of the drug, what it is used for, etc etc. Then go in deep details throughout the paper by mentioning how it interacts with the body and how specifically it affects the brain, ways it can be treated, etc etc. This paper is written for a behavioral research lab, so they would like to see detailed information about the chemistry of the drug and how it interacts with the body physiologically, how it leads to addiction.

This paper should be 10 pages with MLA format. You need to use 3-5 sources. At least two of the sources have to be research papers. Sources must be properly cited.

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Explanation & Answer

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Title: Heroin Drug
1. Introduction
2. Body
a) Chemistry
b) Uses
c) Medical Uses
d) Recreational Uses
e) Means of administration
f) Adverse effects
g) Short-term effects
h) Long-term effects
i) Overdose
4. Conclusion
5. Works cited

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Heroin Drug
In the current world, common drugs seem to have taken over. Everywhere one turns,
there is someone using drugs, whether it is a cigarette in public or teenagers smoking marijuana
in hiding. Heroin is an opioid, which is typically used as a recreational drug because of its
euphoric effects. Notably, heroin is used in different countries as a pain reliever or during opioid
replacement therapy. Heroin is usually injected in the vein, but it can be snorted, smoke or
inhaled. Heroin has rapid effects that last for a few hours. There are studies around the world
about the adverse effects of heroin. These studies use case studies of individuals that are addicted
to heroin. Interestingly, even with a negative reputation, Heroin continues to be a frequently
abused drug around the world. It is liked for the high (rush) it provides to the users, and they
claim it gives them a calming effect.
C.R. Alder Wright first created heroin in 1874 from morphine, which is a product of
opium poppy. The drug is illegal to manufacture, sell or possess without a license. This is a drug
that will never cease to be used, but it easily costs people their lives. There is also the fact that

Surname 2

heroin is an expensive addiction. Unlike most readily available drugs, Heroin is harder to
manufacture, hence known as an "expensive addiction." For this reason, the drug is mixed with
other substances such as sugar, quinine, starch and strychnine. The drug is so difficult to
manufacture as a pure product those other countries such as Mexico that produces poor quality
heroin known as "Black Tar Heroin."
Heroin is obtained from opium through a process involving different chemicals like
acetic anhydride and acetone (Phillipson et. al. 46). The primary metabolites of diamorphine
include morphine, 6-monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM), and morphine-3-glucuronide. The drug can
be quantified in urine or blood to study it for abuse to help in murder investigations or diagnose
poisoning. Notably, chromatographic practices can be used to measure the substances found in
the street grade diamorphine. The street diamorphine may contain codeine or 6-acetylcodeine as
the other components required for the pure product are not readily available. When carrying out
tests, it is essential to look at the drug use history of the individual because the dosage differs in
chronic users.
Heroin can be used for medical purposes as well as recreational reasons. When the drug
was first created, it was supposed to be a substitute for morphine. However, soon after its
introduction, practitioners realized that patients were becoming more dependent on heroin than
on morphine.
Medical Uses

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Notably, in the United States, the drug is not allowed for medical uses, because it is
believed to cause more harm to patients. The fact that research reveals it is a highly addictive
drug should be a reason enough to ban it from medical use. However, in the United Kingdom,
Heroin is used as a potent pain reliever prescribed by physicians. The drug is administered
through intramuscular, subcutaneous and intravenously. Some of the reasons a patient can be
administered heroin are because of acute pain caused through post-surgical pain, severe physical
trauma, and in end stages of chronic illnesses such as cancer. Most countries, however, prefer to
use morphine or other effective opioids in such cases. Medical bodies show their concern ...

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