UC Open Communication Between All Employees and Their Leaders Discussion Responses
Answer 1 :Question 1) When implementing change in an organization, there are always culture issues that are faced, such as not accepting change, determine how differently this would be handled thinking about the management versus leadership constructs?Organizational changes should be constituted through open communication between all employees and their leaders. For instance, employees should be given a chance to air their views rather than rely on the in-line managers who can alter the original message from employees to favor themselves. Every organization contains employees who are gifted differently, and their contributions can spearhead the organization's success. If employees learn that their views are taken into consideration to better their working environment, they will positively react to changes within the organization. Therefore, managers will not have a hard time trying to convince employees of the importance of change as they are part and parcel of it. Leaders should also not implement policies that belittle their employees. Employees are the greatest assets within an organization, and they should always be valued to ensure organizational goals are achieved within the intended time. If managers are on good terms with employees, there won't be difficulties in implementing changes. Question 2) When dealing with performing work, how is this implemented differently within the management versus leadership constructs?Performing work is based on employee morale in their respective work environment. According to Widagdo, Widodo, & Samosir, (2018), compensation motivates employees to exert extra effort in their places of work. With a good compensation strategy, employees can positively react to change because they understand that the sole goal is to propel the organization towards a better position, and their effort will be rewarded through increased payments. The managers should ensure that there is a strategy to reward the best performing employees as this creates a competitive nature within the work environment whereby employees focus on achieving targets rather than conspiring to sabotage changes. The aspect of compensation is different from communication-based changes because in performing work, the output is based on the results compared to management versus constructs that rely on the relationship between employees and the top management. Therefore, leaders should focus on how employees are satisfied through the compensation strategy offered and incentives in performing work. ReferenceWidagdo, A., Widodo, D. S., & Samosir, P. S. (2018). Effect of Compensation and Motivation to Employee Performance through Commitment. Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management (SJEBM), 5(4), 319-325.Answer 2 :The process of getting to know individuals and groups in a system also provides an early forum in which people can deal with any discomfort and voice their concerns about working with US consultants so that we can address their concerns. Effectively adapting organization development approaches and models both ours and others to our client engagements outside of the US has been essential to facilitating the culture change and inclusion breakthroughs that have impacted our client s 'productivity and success (Katz, & Miller, 2016). The concepts we use are basically the same globally, but how we implement our work can vary dramatically based on national and organizational contexts. One of the key cultural dynamics we have often heard in Japan is “the nail that sticks out gets hammered.” This cultural saying translates into a strong need for harmony within a group or team, which often makes people reluctant to raise issues that might be problematic. This experience helped us bridge the gap and reframe speaking up as a practice that creates greater harmony by letting others know of an issue before it becomes a big problem for the team. This framing for the good of the group made people more willing to raise issues in the spirit of helping the team be better. Similarly, we used the lean manufacturing concept of eliminating production waste as a framework for considering how inclusive behaviors eliminate waste in human interactions.Adapting models and frameworks for change so that they are relevant to our client systems is not only a need in working globally, it is the very essence of OD work (McCalman, 2015). Such adaptation requires us to constantly adjust our own attitudes, beliefs, and methodologies to the local national, cultural, and organizational circumstances. Our job as change agents is to understand, adjust to, and challenge the system and ourselves in the process. In doing so, we can help our clients achieve their ultimate goals while hewing to the values that are central to our practice and our field.When dealing with performing work, how is this implemented differently within the management versus leadership constructs?While dealing with performing work the leader should at the first train the employee so that they can use the employee as a good resource. If there is any underperformance, then the leader should talk to the employee and make it done before it is too late (Stewart, 2016). As a good leader, you should know what motivates your employee the most. Reference:McCalman, J. (2015). Leading Cultural Change : The Theory and Practice of Successful Organizational Transformation. Kogan Page.Katz, J. H., & Miller, F. A. (2016). Defining Diversity and Adapting Inclusion Strategies on a Global Scale. OD Practitioner, 48(3), 42–47.Stewart, S. E. (2016). At Play in the Fields of OD. OD Practitioner, 48(3), 22–30.