?Literary Criticism: The Storm essay

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Literary Criticism

For this assignment, you will choose a work that we have read and analyze it in relation to a specific type of literary criticism. Because formalism is used for the first essay, you may not use formalist or New Criticism. Other options include Feminist Criticism, Marxist Criticism, or any of the other types of literary criticism mentioned in the course resources.

Length: 3 to 5 pages, MLA, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins, double spaced.

Resources needed: At least 3 sources. One will be the work; one will be a reference to the critical theory. The additional sources will support your connection of the work and the theory. They must be scholarly.

Structure: following the suggested format will organize the essay.

Introduction: provides the name of the work, author, and theory with a thesis at the end the provides an opinion about the work in relation to the theory and an overview of how that opinion will be supported.

Body paragraphs:

Summary of the work

Summary of the theory

Evidence to support your claim about the work in relation to the theory


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Explanation & Answer

Please find the answer in the attachment below. Thank you for the patiecne

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Literary Criticisms

There are billions of literature works done for the last century all focusing on different
issues and using different literature techniques to express their main messages and claims to the
audience in a way that they will understand them. However, writers and audience sometimes find
it hard to understand the meaning of a piece of literature. Literary criticism is important because
they will help a writer perform a self- evaluation to better understand the strengths and weakness
areas. It also helps an audience to question a literature text and relate it to different things which
will help to understand the message of the text and relate it in other situations (Brewton).
Cultural criticism is one of the best ways for criticizing literature work to understand it like the
case of Kate Chopin story, “The Storm” that was written in 1998. To gain an in-depth
understanding of the reason Chopin text shows adultery as means of improving the marriage, one
starts by reading the story, cultural criticism, and finding examples that show why the theory
relates to the story.
“The Storm,” is an exciting and complex story that focuses on illicit sex, forbidden lusts,
and adultery. Chopin introduces two sets of marriages, between Bobinot and Calixta and Alcee
and Clarissa. Bibinot and his son are stranded and...

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