Healthcare Reform Policy Comparison In California And Texas

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Part I: The world is becoming smaller and smaller and when companies look to expand they often look outside their original footprint. Rasmussen Healthcare Systems is looking to expand their system to another state. To help advise Rasmussen on this decision, you will write 4-5 pages that compare and contrast the healthcare reform policies of the state where you reside and another state of your choice. Please keep in mind the position and facility you selected. Make sure to include the following:

  1. Discuss the purpose of each state's reform.
  2. Describe a minimum of three specific examples of similarities and differences in healthcare reform policies in the two states.
  3. Discuss in detail some of the ethical issues and moral disputes in each state's reform.
  4. Discuss your recommendation on whether Rasmussen Healthcare Systems should expand to the second state.
  5. This portion of your assignment will require you to research and examine information from various sources. Use a minimum of five credible sources for your paper, with three being an academic source from the Rasmussen College Online Library (don't forget to include in-text citations throughout your paper with paraphrasing or quoting).
  6. Make sure to include your APA formatted reference page.

Example of Potential Useful Websites

Part II: PowerPoint is typically the application of choice when conducting a meeting. There are many philosophies on how to create an effective PowerPoint, so do some research on the dos and don'ts. Then create a professional PowerPoint that you would present to the management team at your location that highlights your research. SkillSurfer in the online tutoring platform offers beginner, intermediate, and advanced tutorials on Microsoft Office products. Make sure to include the following in your PowerPoint:

  1. Length of PowerPoint is up to the student.
  2. Highlight specific policy changes in each state's reform.
  3. Highlight each similarity and difference.
  4. Highlight your final recommendation on whether Rasmussen Healthcare Systems should expand to the other state.
  5. Use the Notes area on each slide as needed to expand on the key points.
  6. You may use a free screen capture site such as Screencast-O-Matic to record a video of your presentation. Screencast-O-Matic is a site and program that can perform screen desk and audio capture up to 15 minutes for free, and can be utilized on a Windows or Mac computer. (Note: You can use a similar program if you prefer. Screencast-O-Matic is just one suggestion). Make sure that both your voice and the PowerPoint slides are captured on the video. Your presentation should be 10 minutes or less.
  7. If you are utilizing the Screencast-O-Matic option, please watch this short instructional video on how to record, upload, and provide your instructor with the web link to your recorded presentation. If you would like to present your PowerPoint document within a live session, please reach out to your instructor for more details.
Your presentation should include an introduction, a concise discussion of each slide, and a conclusion. Make sure to use audience specific language and tone in your PowerPoint. Remember, you would be presenting this to the management team at your location. The presentation will be assessed on your overall knowledge of the content, clarity of your voice, pronunciation of words, organization of your presentation, proper recording of your presentation, overall aesthetics and professionalism, and general clarity to your presentation.

Your presentation should be 10 minutes or less. Make sure to address the following:

  • Include a link to the location of your live video on the last slide of your PowerPoint presentation.
  • Make sure to use audience specific language and tone in your PowerPoint. Remember, you would be presenting this to the management team at your location.

Save both your paper and PowerPoint presentation to a folder on your computer. Then, zip or compress your folder. Upload the zipped folder (with both the paper and PowerPoint) to the assignment dropbox

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer




Institution Affiliation



Healthcare reform is a government policy that affects healthcare delivery to the people in
a given place. In essence, healthcare reforms are aimed at broadening the population that
receives healthcare, increase the number of healthcare providers, improve the quality of
healthcare services and access to specialists and most importantly to decrease the cost of quality
healthcare to citizens. Many players in the United States’ healthcare sector have tried to
implement policies on healthcare systems that include access, sustainability, and quality and
government contribution to healthcare systems.
Rasmussen in the report in the latest online and telephone survey shows that 44% of all
participants favor a form of a single-payer healthcare system to other systems that exist. In this
paper, we are going to discuss healthcare reforms and what they stand for. This paper shall also
compare policies on reforms about the single-payer health-care system to other healthcare
Rasmussen Healthcare System
Rasmussen Healthcare Systems focuses on a single-payer healthcare approach to
healthcare delivery. It is a universal type of healthcare, that is, all residents who finance it by
paying taxes to the government (Gaffney, 2016). This means that the government covers the cost
of healthcare for all but citizens who are the primary beneficiaries finance it by paying taxes. In
this system, the government may own or contract for services in healthcare from private
Healthcare reform in California
As early as 1994, California had already attempted to pass a single-payer bill. Their first
passage of the legislation was in 2006 and later in 2008 through The California Universal



Healthcare Act. In 2017, The Healthy California Act (SB 562) was introduced to the State
Senate. This bill had a $400 billion plan to implement single-payer healthcare in California. It
proposed that the people of California would have health coverage without having to pay
deductibles, premiums or co-pays. All Californians would be covered despite their immigration
status. Transient students who attend and purchase their healthcare programs through California
institutions would also be covered. The services that were covered by this bill were ones
determined by a patient’s healthcare provider as medically necessary. These services range from
emergency to preventable services or prescription drug services.SB 562 was passed through
Senate on 1st June 2017 but did not get approved when it was forwarded to the State Assembly. It
was disapproved on the basis that care delivery systems and funding had not been addressed
sufficiently. The bill was put on hold, but there are hopes that the necessary changes will be
made and sent back for review.
Current reforms in healthcare propose cuts in healthcare services for the underserved,
poor and elderly. According to Elengaard, 2015, The Affordable Care Act has many favorable
provisions, for instance, healthcare coverage for 2 million low-...

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