Nurse is a Saviour

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What is a nurse ? Define a nurse and using a metaphor, And list 5 reason for you definition. ( need to follow a planning guide

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: A NURSE IS A SAVIOR


A Nurse is a Savior

The nurses are trained with the expertise required to save the lives of the patients
as well as their families from pain. Nurses are the first people to receive patients once
they have been administered in the hospital. The patients, especially those badly hurt
require first aid so that they can be stabilized before further medication is provided. After
the patients have been hospitalized and stabilized, the nurses are in charge of monitoring
and following up the patient. They help the patients be settled in the hospital and save
them from emotional or mental trauma by encouraging them to concentrate on the
healing process. Therefore, nurses are saviors.
Nurses are saviors as they have undergone training so that they can learn ways of
saving the lives of people such as through conducting first aid and CPR. The nurses are
dedicated to their work as they can help people even when they are off duty. The nurses
have a patient to see their patients recuperate. It does not matter the number of times they
follow up. The nurses are compassionate, and they try to help any patient. The nurses are
trustworthy as patients hope that they will receive help from them.
The first reason is that nurses are lifesavers. The people who require medical care
are many, in patients and outpatients. The nurses are dedicated to saving the lives of these
people despite their background or financial position. The nurses deal with patients of all
ages, and they recognize the importance of each life whether of a child of or an aged
person. The nurses strive to achieve a healthy life, prolong the lives of the patients and
make sure that they enjoy life.
A patient Stephanie talks about the help she received from nurses that saved her
life. “It has been 19 months since my Stage IV diagnosis, and I am still here and feeling
good. Without nurses,...

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