i don't know how to multiply 2 digit times 2 digit

Explanation & Answer

Thank you for the opportunity to help you with your question!
Final answer is in bold. Place the numbers on top of one another first
x 34
Always look at the bottom number and start with the digit on the far right. In this one it is 4. Multiply the 4 to the top number's far right digit which is 6. 6 x 4=24. You can only place one number in each spot so put the ones digit of 24 (the 4) underneath. It should look like this.
x 34
= 4
Do not get rid of the 2 from 24. Instead, carry that to the top of the 2 in 26. Now multiply that same 4 from 34 to the 2. 4 x 2=8 but then add on the 2 that you carried from getting 24 so you should have 4 x 2 = 8 +2=10. Normally you would only put one digit down but since there is nothing else to carry the 1 to put both digits of 10 down and it should look like this
x 34
= 104
When you are doing multiplication with two by two numbers you need to leave one space or a zero on the next line like this. 26
x 34
= 104
Now repeat the multiplying process with the 3. Multiply 3 by the top right number above it so 6. 3 x 6=18. Again, we only can put one number down so we take just the 8 (the ones digit) and place it next to the zero
x 34
= 104
x 34
+ 780
All the multiplication is done because you have no more digits to multiply in the bottom number. Now you have to add the 104 and 780 to get the final answer. 104+780=884
x 34
+ 780
= 884
I will include a picture of my work in case that was confusing!
Please let me know if you need any more help or clarification! Thank you again.