Domestic Terrorism Report

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Assume you hold the role of the security manager for the Cardinals Stadium. As the manager, you must prepare for an upcoming football event at which more than 60,000 fans will be on hand.

Assess the following threats from a domestic and/or international terrorism perspective:

  • A five-man terrorist attack using assault rifles prior to entering the stadium
  • The chemical release of a nerve agent inside the stadium
  • The simultaneous detonation of bombs planted by employees
  • A cyber-attack controlling all power in the stadium
  • A riot involving approximately 100 patrons

Write a 2- to 3-page proposal assessing the current vulnerability of the critical asset. Consider each of the threats identified and assailant objectives and deployment capabilities. Based on current countermeasures, determine if the vulnerability is reasonable and offer additional countermeasures to mitigate the risk.

Include APA-formatted citations when necessary and a reference page.

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Domestic terrorism reports
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Domestic Terrorism Reports

A Five-Man Terrorist Attack Using Assault Rifles Prior To Entering the Stadium

It is easy for terrorists and their helpers to access stadiums because it is usually open to
the public. There are security measures implemented by the stadium, but that is not enough to
keep out terrorists and other security threats. A five-person terrorist attack using rifles is a
possible occurrence only that they will find it easier to attack people before they get in the
stadium. The presence of guards and detectors at the entrance is what gives the terrorists the idea
that they have to attack before they are identified. Five men with rifles are enough to cause
massive death because rifles have hundreds of bullets. Should the terrorists decide to target the
stadium, all they have to do is strategize th...

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