Threats to the Global Environment Counterargument

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The members of the United Nations are impressed by your presentation. The information you provided has led to productive debates. There are now questions about prioritizing the issues at hand. Some of the countries are challenging your recommendations and questioning your reasons for not including certain other issues they believe are priorities.

There are four remaining threats in the list of major global issues. Review the topics and reflect on two that you did not use in Assignment 3a. Defend your reasons for considering these topics to be less important than the issues you assessed in Assignment 3a.

Energy sources

Civil war


Poor health of entire populations

Lack of educational opportunities

Cultural taboos

Inappropriate uses of technology

Climate change

  1. Choose two of these four threats and write one paragraph on each threat stating why each is less a priority to the health of the global environment than the four you assessed in Assignment 3a.
  2. Support your argument with at least three scholarly sources for each threat chosen (a total of at least 6 sources) that can be used to support your position that these two threats are less a priority than the four threats which you chose to assess in assignment 3a.
  3. Each counterargument should include:
  • An opening statement describing the threat; Three (3) points that offer evidence which supports your position that these threats are less a priority than the four threats that you assessed in Assignment 3a.
  1. Please cite at least three scholarly sources in your argument.
  2. For a brief list of resources for this assignment, please see the end of the course guide.

This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details. (Note: You will be prompted to enter your Blackboard login credentials to view these standards.)

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Examine the factors that account for why the growth in the world’s population can negatively affect global society.

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Eric T Smith SOC 405: Solutions to Global Issues Professor Virginia Merlini March 3, 2019    Members of the UN feels that some of the goals of Millennium Development Goals are wrongfully tackled A conflict of interests arise between UN developed and developing countries. Burundi, for instance believes that the focus of UN’s Millennium Development Goals should be on food security while Austria claims that UN should mediate about ceasefires in countries engaged in civil wars     Globalization refers to the exchange of political, economic, social, and cultural ideas from one country to the other. Under the UN Millennium Development Goals , globalization has tow influencing sides; positive and negative influence. There is a huge gap between developed and underdeveloped states Dynamism of globalization includes not only the economic sphere but also the manner in which counties communicate with each other      Has resulted to unemployment and underemployment Huge disparities in the distribution of per capita income Failed to resolve poverty in developing countries Has increased divisions in corporate restructuring Continuation of environmental destruction       Has increased human security at the global level Has enhanced human security at the national level. Increased economic growth Has fought against communicable diseases in the Has promoted regional cooperation amongst the UN states. It has corrected the negative real GDP over the years as seen in the table below.      The relationship between civil war and development Proposal to include security in the MDG Post MDG framework as conflict sensitive The post MDG framework as a form of human security Post MDGs to include a target on armed violence reduction    Inadequate policy implementation triggers conflict in a country or region Conflict insensitivity has resulted to heightened conflicts in the past therefore destructing the global environment Implementation of a conflict-sensitive framework would allow the government to realize the urgent needs of the MDGs.    New development goals should focus on development of human security Under the UNDP Human Development Report, human security entails freedom from fear and freedom from want Global environmental threats have been extended under this view to include military threats that arises from state-to-state rivalry.     Emphasize on diplomatic relationships rather than armed violence Types of armed violence that results in threatening the global environment Understanding insecurity as emanating from violence. Armed violence has detrimental effects on the global environment through displacement and destruction of the infrastructure rendering people unwilling to undertake future investments.  ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Ways to reduce education as a global threat amongst states Eradicate extreme hunger and poverty Encourage universal primary education Promoting gender equality and empowering women reducing child mortality Improving maternal health Ensuring environmental sustainability     A huge population are languishing in poverty and primary school age children being out of school. Education opens up new employment opportunities and credit facilities. Helps in fueling a virtuous cycle of increased growth and accelerated poverty reduction Leads to economic growth     Every child has the right to acquire education Children from the marginalized areas and groups face major obstacles from accessing quality education Equality should be enhanced between children form high and low income generating families while seeking education Gender differences should also be cut off in order to achieve full benefits of MDGs.     Attempts should be made to ensure everyone has access to clean water Relocation of people from slum areas has not been easy Education facilitates decision making process to meet the demands of the present without compromising those of the generations Education aimed at addressing crucial issues such as on corporate social responsibility should be the focus of the education system    Combat malaria, HIV/AIDS and other diseases Improve maternal health Reduce child mortality    Focus should be given in protecting the spread of HIV/AIDS infection Learning institutions should provide support in enlightening people about the importance of having good health towards the development of the economy Global Campaign for Education claims that educating people about the vulnerability of HIV/AIDS may help safe more than 700000 people from contacting it    Education for mothers should be provided Ideally, given the right information about their health conditions, few mothers would die Women die often due to complications arising from pregnancy which may occur as a result of excessive bleeding after child delivery, infections, and high blood pressure as well as conducting unsafe abortive exercise.      Overall, mortality rate is extremely high Promoting girl child education reduces chances of child mortality Mothers with basic level education experience fewer child mortality cases Educated mothers and girls immunize their children regularly Furthermore, children brought up by educated by educated parents do not face malnutrition cases.     Denney, L. (2012). Security: the missing bottom of the Millennium Development Goals. London: Overseas Development Institute. Hirono, R. (2001). Globalization in the 21st century: blessing or threat to developing countries. Asia Pacific Review, 8(2), 28-46. World Bank and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, ‘Crime, Violence and Development: Trends, costs and policy options in the Caribbean,’ (2007) Report No. 37820, meandviolenceinthecaribbeanfullreport. pdf. Ayissi, Anatole, (2008). ‘Peace, Security and the Millennium Development Goals in West Africa,’ Disarmament Forum 4,   Sharm,a, M., and Dev, K., (2017). The Role of Education in Achieving Millennium Development Goals. Retrieved from World Health Statistics, (2014). Health-Related Millennium Development Goals. Retrieved from d_health_statistics/EN_WHS2014_Part1.pdf
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Explanation & Answer


Counterarguments on Threats to the Global Environment – Outline
Thesis Statement: globalization is one of the global issues that should be prioritized as a major
threat to the political and economic stability of the countries of the world because of positive
contributions while the adverse impacts of some cultural taboos are limited to the nations and
regions where they are practiced.





Cultural Taboos



Counterarguments on the Threats to the Global Environment

Counterarguments on the Threats to the Global Environment
Global issues belong to the category of problems that affect the development of
nations whose governments through international organizations develop, agree, and
implement policy agendas to solve them. While some of these issues are major due to their
more significant effects on the economic, political, and social structures of the regions of the
world, others are minor and would be restricted to the nations where they occur with limited
global impact when they spread. Also, it is this perspective that defines the investment of
human and material resources into the formulation of policies and execution of programs that
are used to address these problems (Epstein 2018, p.102). Consequently, globali...

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