Intro to General Psychology | Lesson 6 Major Assignment - Socio-Emotional Developmental Advice Needed

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Socio-Emotional Developmental Advice Needed

Utilize the major developmental theories you have become familiar with from readings and content from Lesson 6. Pretend you are the author of a "Ask a Student" column for a blog on developmental concerns. You can play the expert and give advice grounded in the theory and research from Lesson 6.

Explain in your answers how to best deal with each of the questions/concerns below. Remember, since this is for course credit, you might find quoting from the textbook chapter and other Lesson 6 readings provided here useful. You might also use the help of library services. In this major assignment you will demonstrate your mastery of course materials and provide depth of scholarship.

  1. Dear "Ask a Student" A well-intentioned, but meddling, relative came to visit our house the weekend before our child's first birthday, in April. My relative cautioned me that I must be spoiling my child, because my son hid behind my leg and clung to me when she tried to give him a hug, and he did not do this when she visited us at New Year's. How can l explain to her what is happening with our child? Thank you, J. Garcia
  2. Dear "Ask a Student" My three-year old constantly drives me nuts with attention-seeking behaviors while I am on the phone. I need help? Thank you, V. Needy
  3. Dear "Ask a Student" My infant daughter puts everything in her mouth, including the dog's food, do you have any ideas why she does this and any suggestions? Thank you, A. Po
  4. Dear "Ask a Student" My eight-year old son is failing math; all he cares about is baseball, I am at my wit's end, can you help me? Thank you, M. Diamond
  5. Dear "Ask a Student" My eight-year old son is failing P.E. and growing obese; all he cares about is Nintendo, what should I do? Thank you, A. Bello
  6. Dear "Ask a Student" My sister's teenager has decided not to attend college in favor of joining the stage crew for a touring rock band. What advice can I give my sister? Thank you, A. Grand
  7. Dear "Ask a Student" My nine-year old son is being victimized by the class bully, I am not sure how to handle it! Please help, Thank you, M. Bahn
  8. Dear "Ask a Student" My nine-year old son IS the class bully, I want to stop this behavior, I need advice, Thank you. S. Bold
  9. Dear "Ask a Student" Our two-year old grand-daughter refuses to wear the clothes we pick for her every morning, making getting dressed a twenty-minute pitched battle. What techniques, if any, should we use to stop this behavior? Thank you, P. Granny
  10. Dear "Ask a Student" Our forty-six-year old friend is showing symptoms of the classic "mid-life crisis," buying a trendy new sports car, flirting dangerously, and alluding to leaving his wife. What advice to you have for us to speak with him? Thank you, G. Howard
  11. Dear "Ask a Student" My sixty-eight-year old neighbor is chronically depressed, she feels she has wasted her life. I feel worried, what do you suggest I might do? Thank you, B. Luz

Please use the "More about the Socio-Emotional Developmental Advice Needed" link for more support and information!(Readings Uploaded as attachment)

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Explanation & Answer

This paper is complete! 😇 Please see the attached response and hit me up if you need assistance with edits.


Socio-Emotional Developmental Stages
Student’s Name




Socio-Emotional Developmental stages
Q. A well-intentioned, but meddling, a relative came to visit our house the weekend before
our child's first birthday, in April. My relative cautioned me that I must be spoiling my
child, because my son hid behind my leg and clung to me when she tried to give him a hug,
and he did not do this when she visited us at New Year's. How can l explain to her what is
happening with our child? Thank you, J. Garcia
As early as the age of 6 months to 12 months, children may experience stranger anxiety. This
is a normal thing of fear that a child experiences once they are introduced to an unfamiliar
environment. This fear is not an awareness that the child is born with that when a stranger
appears they will be fearful of them rather it is a stimulus. During this time of the first meet,
the child will regard the stranger as a potential threat that they need to be protected. Usually,
the toddler will rush to the person they are familiar with when the stranger appears. In this
case, the relative is a stranger to the child. Therefore, after meeting the relative for the first
time or after some time, the toddler hides behind its caregiver. It is not that the mother is
spoiling the child just that the toddler perceives the relatively unfamiliar and feels threatened.
Stranger anxiety can even happen when the toddler is with a caregiver in the presence of the
stranger. It is an automatic stimulus that occurs in most toddlers up to the age of 24 months.
The relative can try to socialize with the toddler and give them some time for the kid to get
used to him or her.
Q. My three-year-old constantly drives me nuts with attention-seeking behaviors while I am
on the phone. Do I need help? Thank you, V. Needy
The first and most important thing to do is to find out why the three-year-old child is always
seeking attention. Start by asking yourself why the child is acting the way he is especially
when you are making phones call. Do not however give in to the attention seeking behavior
especially dur...

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