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Proofreading/Editing. Circle/highlight the twenty mistakes in the letter on the following page. Corrections are not required. Bay City Information Systems 151 Bayview Road  San Francisco, CA (650) 403-7849  81153 May 5, 2014 Ms. Mary E. Sanders Personnal Director Cyclops Communication Technologies 1050 South Sierra Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90019 Dear Ms. Anders: I am responding to your request for an evaluation of Colleen Karmichael. Colleen was hired as a clerk-typist by Bay City Informative Systems on April 4, 2012 and was promoted to Administrative Assistant on August 1, 2013. At her review in June, I recommended that she be promoted again. She is an intelligent, young woman with good work habits’ and a good knowledge of computer software. As an Administrative Assistant, Colleen not only handles routine tasks such as processing time sheets, ordering supplies, and entering data, but also screens calls for two marketing specialists, answers basic questions about Cay City Information Systems, compiles the stattics I need for my monthly reports and investigates special assignments for me. In the past 8 months, she has investigated freight charges, inventoried department hardware, and transferred flies to archives. I need only to give her general directions; she has a knack for tracking down information quickly and summarizing it accurately. Although the department’s workload has increased during the year, Colleen manage’s her time so that everything gets done on schedule. She is consistently poised and friendly under pressure. Her willingness to work overtime on occasion is particularly remarkable considering that she has been attending collage part-time every since she joined our firm. At Bay City Information Systems, Colleen uses Microsoft Work, Exel, and Acess software. She tells me that she also uses Power Point in her college classes. If Colleen were staying in San Francisco we would want to keep her. We would move her into staff work, once she completed her degree. I recommend her highly. Sincerely, Jeanne Cederlind Vice President, Marketing Encl.: Evaluation Form for Calleen Karmichael
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