Contemporary Issue

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Select an article from any reputable source, write a paragraph summarizing the article and a paragraph giving your comments about it. The article should have something to do with something related to engineering or science.

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ME 489 Contemporary Issues Guidelines and Grading Rubric Select an article, write a paragraph summarizing the article and a paragraph giving your comments about it. CI #1 must be from the New York Times. CI #2 must be from CI #3, #4, and #5 may be from any reputable news source. Formatting Requirements: Easily readable font – single spaced – uploaded to Blackboard as a Word document Font size – 11pt to 14 pt font Article title at the top 200 – 400 words Bibliographic citation at the end using APA style Grading Rubric: Appropriate Article – 20 pts This is essentially a yes/no grade Logical and Coherent – 25 pts Is the writing clear and understandable? Formatted Properly and Professional Looking – 25 pts Subtract 5 pts for each error Carefully Proofread and Edited – 30 pts Subtract 3 pts for each error A New Ally Against Skin Cancer James Tunnell, a professor of biomedical engineering at the University of Texas, is spearheading a project designing a small portable device that will detect melanoma and help reduce the amount of CT scans given to patients. The article discusses the prototype of the concept. The new detecting method comes in two pieces. One piece is a handheld probe that makes contact with the skin and shines a variety of colors of light that will detect skin cancer. The other is a box that is wheeled around which holds the light detectors. The device works by utilizing several types of spectroscopy that results in a yes or no answer as opposed to having to take biopsies. The device is currently in a clinical study with 250 patients to test its accuracy. I think that this device has great potential and will one-day help advance skin cancer detection methods. However, I do not believe that this device is sophisticated enough to detect skin cancer with a high level of accuracy at this time. Within the article on the American Society of Mechanical Engineers website, Professor Tunnell himself seems to be reluctant if the probe can consistently detect melanomas. Another issue I see with this device is the amount of time it would take if you were trying to detect melanoma before it is visible on the skin. Since the probe is small, the technician or doctor would have to do each area of concern one at a time as opposed to a CT scan, which can get a clear picture of the entire body at one time if needed. I believe with a few improvements this device can be used to detect melanoma spots that are cancerous without taking a biopsy, but not as an early detection device. Reference: Butterman, E. (2016, May). A New Ally Against Skin Cancer.
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Moench tufting apparatus



Moench tufting apparatus

The development of the Moench tufting apparatus resulted in the advancement of the
production of carpet because of its associated speed of tufting spurring the carpet. The apparatus
has supported mechanization. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers acknowledged the
apparatus for its contribution towa...

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