ISSC361 Security from the Ground Up & Controlling a Computer

User Generated




For this assignment you will post your answers to the questions in each thread prior to 11:55 p.m. ET on Wednesday. You are required to respond to at least two of your classmates post by 11:55. Please do not be late with this post because your classmates will be relying on you to post on time. Your follow-up posts can add additional insight to a classmate's opinions or can challenge their opinions. Use examples from the readings, or from your own research, to support your views, as appropriate. For your follow-up posts this week, you may wish to visit a couple of the web sites contributed by your classmates and share your opinion of these sites with the class. Be sure to read the follow-up posts to your own posts and reply to any questions or requests for clarification. You are encouraged to conduct research and use other sources to support your answers. Be sure to list your references at the end of your post. References must be in APA citation format. All posts must be a minimum of 250-300 words. All follow-up posts to your classmates must be a minimum of 150 words for each required post. Peer responses will not be accepted after the due date.

For this assignment, create a new message and address the following items in your response.

  1. Describe the three security properties of information (hint: “CIA”)
  2. What is the difference between requirements and controls in the security process? Give examples of each.
  3. Explain how a buffer overflow can allow an attacker to take over a computer. Provide an example beyond the Morris Worm mentioned in the text.

Forum Grading Rubric (100 Points)

Synthesis of Concepts


Clear Citations using APA format


Writing Standards




Peer Reviews (minimum of 2)


This assignment is a formative assessment for Course Objective 1.

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer

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Information Security
Student’s Name



1. Describe the three security properties of information (hint: “CIA”)
The fundamentals of the concept of information security are summarized in the CIA concepts of
security. The three facets of the CIA triad are integrated to formulate the best and secure
information security model. The three key concepts to information security include
confidentiality of the information; in this aspect view, the concept includes features of protecting
information from access by unauthorized individuals. This element is due to the fact that
information is valuable and becomes risky if it falls in the wrong hands. The confidentiality
element of data needs adequate encryption to restrict illegal access to sensitive information. The
second principle of information security is integrity. This aspect includes the measures to keep
information from being modifi...

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