UMUC Human Physiology Informational Booklet Homeostasis

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University of Maryland University College


Written Assignment 2: Informational Booklet

Addresses course outcome 4:

  • weigh and make health-related decisions based on an understanding of the value and limits of scientific knowledge and the scientific method

Choose and research a topic related to human biology. Imagine that you are creating a small booklet that will become available at a local health clinic. The booklet should be educational and understandable by the general public. You may select one topic that relates to either homeostatic mechanisms or to a disease that may interest you because of your own health or family history. You will find a list of suggested topics below, or you may come up with your own. If you select a topic that is not listed below, discuss your topic with your instructor before beginning work.

Suggested topics

  • Homeostasis: Hydration and exercise, adaptation of the human body to pregnancy, adaptation to cold or hot weather, adaptation to starvation and its consequences, sleep and health, or nutrition and health in children.
  • Diseases: diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, sickle cell anemia, Huntington's disease, colon cancer, schizophrenia, macular degeneration, hemophilia, Parkinson's disease, osteoporosis, muscular dystrophy, or hepatitis.

Assignment criteria

  1. Select one of the suggested topics above (you may also choose a topic not listed above).
  2. Find articles related to the topic. You can find assistance with searching for articles at the UMUC Library Subject Guides at
  3. Remember that this is a booklet. Write six pages (double-spaced), excluding references. You may include pictures, tables and oyher material but please include all references. You should cite information in the text from at least five sources (including books, journals, and the Internet). You may not use online encyclopedias as a source more than once. Use APA style for citing references (see All source material should be paraphrased or summarized in your own words. You should have no more than one direct short quote (less than 40 words) and no long quotes (more than 40 words) in your booklet.
  4. The sections of your booklet should include a title; an introduction that defines/describes your topic and what current/ongoing research has discovered about this topic; background information on what healthy organ system(s) is/are affected by the topic; the mechanism of action (e.g., how does the topic disrupt homeostasis? how does a disease spread and infect a person?); its symptoms and how it is diagnosed; current treatment options; prognosis, current and future research, conclusion, and your references. You may include additional sections as necessary to cover your particular topic.
  5. Please keep in mind that the audience for your informational booklet is the general public. Your explanations and uses of evidence, illustrations, or other definitive details should be appropriate for the reader; your language should aid the reader's understanding of the subject (including definitions where appropriate); you should use information logically, and provide conflicting evidence and research where appropriate

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: HOMEOSTASIS


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Homeostasis in common sense refers to stability or balance in a system. It is the body’s
attempt to maintain a relentless internal another language it may also be defined as
how the body include mechanisms that help to control the body, this involves glands, organs,
tissues, body to constantly be in a steady state, whereby the main mechanisms of homeostasis
include: body fluid composition, body temperature. It can also be stated as the steady internal
conditions maintained by living things.
Homeostasis is brought about by a natural resistance to change in the optimal conditions,
and equilibrium is maintained by many regulatory mechanisms. All homeostatic resistor
mechanisms have at least three interdependent components for the variable being regulated:
control center, a receptor, and an effector. The receptor is the sensing component monitors and
responds to changes in the in the surrounding.
Homeostasis can also have the meaning that is the propensity to resist the variations in
order to maintain a stable, relative determined internal environment. It typically includes
negative response loops that counteract changes of various properties from their target value,
known as set points. In contrast to the negative comment, loop intensify their starting, in other
words, they move the system away from its starting state.
Due to the internal and external environment of the body are persistently varying and
alteration must be made continuously to stay at the set point, homeostasis can be thought of as
synthetic stability. Ever since homeostasis is an attempt to uphold the disorder of an environment
by restrictive variations, it must contain a sequence of negative feedback loops.
Sustainable systems require combinations of both kinds of feedback .generally with the

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